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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Hah what's my display doing there lol. Awesome thanks for the pics!
  2. Here are comparison pics. The 2nd version as you can see banks to the left compared to the first version which is fine. There are some noticeable differences between the first gen and 2nd release. I've highlighted them in red. Parts of the front guns are black and darker. Also parts of the 2nd gen are more black at certain points and the silver is more cleaner and stands out more. The seat and inside wheel/brake cover is silver on the 2nd release Sorry I didn't feel like taking the plastic out until catwoman has arrived since that's her bike. Hope you guys like the comparison. Wife was looking at me all crazy on why I have two. I didn't want to explain and face the consequences LOL
  3. just got on to playing halo 4 today.. newbie.. first time into the halo series.
  4. that's sick
  5. I think 3. Maybe more depending on finances. So far its looking great. I doubt that it will come with a stand or if it did it wont' be the yamato stand.
  6. I have one where she is in chains lying on her back and leaning on the wall.
  7. Kaneda!!!
  8. Different head on the Dx12 and My Medi Together
  9. 1/60 destroid factory
  10. I managed to snag a lot of items for my cousins, nephews and nieces. Got them some cospa and small figs. Shipping is crazy though 200+ Shouldn't have waited for all that stuff to pile up.
  11. When my father in law brought his friend over to fix our kitchen faucet he was telling his friend about my room and tried to go in there. Luckily mother in law was looking out and told us ahead of time to lock it lol.
  12. making room for these...
  13. great news dobber, I know your a fokker fan!
  14. No one knows that anime on the last pic?
  15. it pops up on ebay time and time...
  16. I will depends on the price
  17. well these aren't displayed so I can get away with it. lol
  18. When you get married.. trust me you'll know....
  19. Unboxed this one and displayed it in the R-rated section. Had more (i.e. Bible Black and Maid Bride by Daiki ) but looked too excessive for display. Still trying to find room for this one I really like bikes to I snagged this one up and finally opened this one Anyone know what series this is from?
  20. My Small Rah section... Gantz AppleSeed
  21. Cleaned up the closet and laid them out. (3 VMF50 dolls aren't picture - Minmay, Risa with Minmay Chinese dress, and Custom Miu - they were in the other room and I was too lazy to get them in the picture. Meet the Girls (Never been taken out of their boxes, just the shippers box) Miu, Risa, Miki Yumi, Ami, Nao Risa (tanned version), Super Sonico Doll, Extra Body The Hairs The Shoes The wardrobes I've managed to collect with the help of a few folks on here
  22. lol....batpod and dx12 on the way. I'll take side by side pics of the bat pod when it arrives...probably not until next week.
  23. Selling my first gen for 430 shipped within the US ground. buyer pays paypal fees Nothing wrong with it. Just displayed it. Need to make room. Going to probably post it on the for sale section later today or tomorrow
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