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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Great more boxes.. coming in...
  2. Now someone need to create that piece of effect for the 1/3000 versions!!
  3. Anyone know how many Iron Man's out there....that have been released (including War Machine and Iron Monger) For some reason I'm not sure if the Unleashed version are different or the same?
  4. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! Gotta start working on a new organization plan for the Macross room to Maximize the space and include wall shelves to accomodate more boxes of Yamato!!! Wish me luck!

  5. it was all explained in the blu ray extras.
  6. .......................a lot of stuff.............. But preferably a new computer table to go into the macross room. =)
  7. It has come to the point today as I was sitting in the Macross room.. that I had problems putting them accordingly... such as by magazine release or by custom section. If I lined up all the 1/48 like the 1/60 v2 yamato pic my glass shelf will break. LOL
  8. does hlj still have the shipping thing discount?
  9. that's messed up bud.....such a tease...
  10. OMG...been waiting for this....so now DYRL, Movie, Zero, Mac7, and now Plus....this is sweet... preordering.. glad I held out on getting the movie ed. hd
  11. Bought a neo geo X gold today....excited!!
  12. Sweet!!!
  13. plan.....buy one or two.. and if it goes on clearance go nuts.
  14. If I can remember to take one this weekend. Work is a killer.. been working so much hours and haven't done anything or visited the macross room...
  15. lol..for some reason in some angles it looks like chow yun fat's killer buddy in the killer, the guy who tired to get his money back.
  16. I can't wait..
  17. Thanks for the review major. I could just imagine the characters base on your descriptions. I'm glad I pre ordered this even if it doesn't have subs. But as a Kenshin fan its a must have. Still waiting for the ova blu rays to go down in prices. My resin figure will have a blu ray next to it
  18. Mark from A Better Tomorrow arrived. Can't wait to display him when I order the blu rays.
  19. Debating if I should have the warehouse ship my stuff now or wait for the vf4 release. Don't want them to end up charging me freight prices with amount of items I have.
  20. So what's another few weeks. What you have listed is a lot, but trust me with what I have coming, I can wait.
  21. I felt like posting it since everyone is freaking out. Accept it no one will get it before Christmas. Everyone will get it eventually. I don't understand the panic why it won't go out by Christmas or before. Is everyone expecting theirs to be delivered by Santa Claus personally. LOL
  22. maybe.. i don't think they meant it to go that way,
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