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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. hey I have multiples of things =( I don't own a puppy though. Damn Eugi i was already tired, now you got me all depressed and more tired with the music. -,- <l~~~~ Runs to next room and asks his toys if he abuses them. Again you can donate and I'll send a picture of a Macross toy that shows its being taken care of. I think that's what I got from watching the vid.
  2. I know.. just teasing.. Now no more gasoline on the fire please..... Oh wait HLJ jus opened preorders again!!!... Rush rush rush oh damn its closed again...tsk tsk..
  3. Eugi stay out of this thread!!! LOL jk...
  4. Captain.. word is that BBTS will get the dx12 in next week. So if you can still preorder and wait a week go ahead. BTW I can't wait for this: AND Combine it with this and KOBE:
  5. I don't know it is what it is. I'm tired. It felt like the time I went looking for the batman dark knight limited ed. cowl with blu ray at walmart and they were all sold out since people were buying them in dozens and putting them up on ebay. But I eventually got one for the exact same price. You panic you will spend. You wait and not care. It will eventually be available. If not, it is what it is. Move on. I'm not even going to touch that gun store topic which I had a feeling was going to come up. Its the internet anyone can post what they want. Up to you if you want to agree or not. Glad you got your "pre orders" in.
  6. Nice review bud!! I'm not sure if you remember me but me and the wife met you at the con at UCLA a few years back. LOL. Wife was like hey.. i remember that guy's voice. He competed in the 1/55 transformation competition. LOL
  7. I have that!!! Not a theater room but a room filled with Macross toys and a clapper that turns on all the LED lights LOL
  8. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  9. Hate to say it but I'm with Rabidweezil on this one. You can't blame HLJ for this. As previously stated they've put limits before and this could have been an isolated error incident. Take a deep breath and step away and think first. HLJ is not responsible who ever buys their products and sells them or resells them. Isn't that what wholesale section is for on HLJ's web page. and I'm sure those sellers can get them for a much larger discount from HLJ. Just my two cents. Its like black friday.. you sometimes get what you want and sometimes don't. It is what it is. Move on. and yes I will still buy from HLJ because I know they have great customer service.
  10. No yellowing on my sets. Then again it has never seen the sun
  11. Is it so wrong to admit I haven't opened one yet. It's just sitting there. Been watching the vids of transformation . LoL
  12. chirrrppppp, chirrrppppp...chirrrrrpppp...
  13. Congrats Arrow!!
  14. take pics Mommar when you have time. I wanna see what Chrono is talking about.
  15. I don't like that sliding door thing. That's an accident waiting to happen. I have seen that display at Macy's. Looks nice for a living room especially if you have matching furnitures. Then again having toys there might look awkward. I can't tell you that since I don't, correction not allowed to have any toys other than the tumbler and bat pod in the living room =(
  16. Keep up the good work man.....trying to absorb ideas on here...
  17. Don't forget about my missing parts bud. Still haven't received them pieces.
  18. Managed to free up not one but two shelves. Hehehe Tetris skills on display last night. Going to try to pick up some wall mounted shelves to put the classics on. I will really have to purify the room to keep it macross related. Going to sell some anime figs soon.
  19. @caslon its there. The line up is the new pic and the vfx test valk has the fast packs with clear parts. I actually have another one somewhere around that I haven't decided where to put it on. @Wasabi the grey valk is the test valk that was released. Got a few extras of that and the v2 angelbirds
  20. Nah they copied mines. LOL I couldn't fit it all in there. I added a TV FP on the VF1J and the VFX1 Looks plain but did save me some space compared to this:
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