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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. For those who pm'ed me about the stands. I have both black and white rubber tips in different sizes. Trying to gauge whats a fair price for them and sizes. They won't have their original boxes but they are clean =) I will get back to you guys as soon as I get them inspected and organized.
  2. LOL I've been through hard and rough times. And with the current economic trend and Taxes, especially income taxes the times right now are tough. I was just smart enough to save knowing that an opportunity would present itself. Plus selling my old figures help fund the Macross madness...still trying to keep the macross room Macross. Oh and the only reason why I love ramen is dammit, its the only thing I know how to cook.. how sad.. lol Anyways..back on topic...Kurisama where are my pics!!!
  3. HLJ had a sale remember...Wife won't allow Ramen. If I did I probably would have more. Considering I love Ramen. I already have a fleet of 1/48 GBP...so 1/60 Armors would be nice...
  4. Yes....Yess....YESSSSS>>>................I will order three of those suckers.. maybe five.. I have 11 VF11b THAT NEEDS SOME LUVIN!!
  5. Looks awesome!! and Mean!!!!
  6. Still have the boxes inside boxes. = walls of boxes
  7. Finally got this....and tried to get it presentable after what it went through.. Gamlin ready for fold to go after Basara....P is already at the planet of Zola... Moved things around a bit to make room for an flight deck. The other side of the line up.. Weathered 1/60 Shelf - Organized Super strike fly by! Hangar for the Megaroad Escorts....
  8. Time for some Testosterone figs on this thread not that I'm complaining about the boobies...lol ahaha shishio snuck in there lol okay some estrogen then as well.
  9. gonna see if i can squeeze time to open chow yun fat better tomorrow fig and pose him as well as the new capt. america.. =( been busy fondling with the vf4 and cleaning
  10. thanks man.. finally after weeks and months to get funds for framing this thing. Came out pretty good. Now how to hang it...hmm....
  11. Bastid wanted to open the case and test out the shot glass earlier. Hopefully I get to pick up my framed signed poster from the frame shop tomorrow...I don't even know where I'm slapping that onto.
  12. Did some unboxing tonight..luckily I stayed away from the drunk friends who were eying my Roy shot glass inside the display case. Asking me "is that shot glass special? why the hell is it in there?" LOL Framed some miscellaneous stuff Dryboard velcroed and can be taken down easily if I need to get into the magical closet spacefold
  13. That's what she said...
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