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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I so want... ...
  2. I wanted to order it through BBTS but its already sold out! WTH. I really really want to avoid sideshow. They don't offer collectors grade and just ship it with the brown shipper box.
  3. It's pretty heavy. C'mon you know your itching to get one!
  4. And that's the reason why didn't buy multiples of Bandai. This and Brera's minions were the only exception. All of bandai's finishes of Mac F valks makes them look used.
  5. Glad the pics are bringing more interest to this thing... i love this thing... KANEDA!!!!! I didn't take a picture of Tetsuo but I was too busy awing the bike!
  6. Awesome, now can we get some custom commission work =)
  7. Hehehe sweet
  8. When I feel that is complete yes...been trying to organize them via Model Graphix vol. Trying to get a hold of NB4M for his VFX rendition and Double seaters, but no luck.
  9. Geek Magazine Vol6 Pg 90
  10. Pics dammit!!!
  11. Took a picture of the group of chibi before they go into their respective shelf series The two for now... Wasn't at the Shizuoka hobby show... but thought i'd imitate I don't have any VF1 Riders.. but my squad is in slumber until called upon.. trying to get a buddy to print out a floor size carrier deck =)
  12. It would be nice to hear or meet female macross in japan. Make friends (yes friends only) and exchange stories and especially their collection. I always wondered how come there weren't more female macross fans in Otakucool books
  13. LoL we know where your minds at...hehehehe I think those are my hands...
  14. pre order where?
  15. Thanks buddy if I had your skill I'd weather majority of my stuff. and if you ever decide to take on commission for weathering lmk =) Ordered my additional sets of LED lights. So now each shelf will have their own respective LED strip. YAY
  16. Goddamn....better start collecting all my change and sell some aluminum cans. Any info on where to order? BTW is this a model or a toy?
  17. Yep personal collection. 5xYF21 one on display and everything else in boxes in their respective release versions.
  18. my halo helmet is enough for that conversation to start with WTF....oh and seeing me run down my block with full halo armor on masterchief during haloween is enough to get the traffic to slow down.
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