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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. So who are the regulars that will be taking pre orders? And is there a discount in bulk buys? Because you know whats happening right....Damn straight
  2. Macross room - locked and only visible if accompanied by the curator. Usually no one asks what they are because they are overloaded by what they see. It would be nice to educate them, but I don't have the time.
  3. Touch it and I'll bust a cap on your ass.
  4. -Avengers- Complete....
  5. yep the dts on the movie is freaking awesome. You can hear dem monkies in the background especially in the testing scenes of the valks.
  6. geesh I thought they finished the bishoujo line.. just got that x girl....
  7. I need to get something with an Autograph.. wait.. i guess the Frontier poster counts, but need something from Macross/SDF, Macross7 or Plus
  8. Finished watching OVA and US episodes.. tomorrow or Friday full blast Movie!!
  9. I want one!
  10. Glad I looked at the back of the case. I was getting frustrated I thought my elite receiver was making a mistake since it wasn't 5.1 surround. Lol apparently only the movie is. The picture quality is so clear compared to the manga version. First opening fight scene is awesome! Gonna watch the movie tomorrow after I watch all four episodes. Don't wanna drive my neighbors nuts. The bass is shaking the floors already!
  11. As one of the biggest YF19 fan.....I'll be ordering a few...The first few releases are not obsolete, not yet... not just yet ...
  12. In...now to watch it on a huge TV with full Definitive Technology Surround Sound! Ha..neighbors will hate me, but not today I say.. today is Friday!
  13. Just sell it to me! I got a place for it in the Museum
  14. "You are not Bruce Wayne...You are not worthy to lead these men"
  15. thanks Ron... Hmmmm.. I see your Kung Fu style has improved....
  16. Which one? Lets ask Bruce what he thinks...ey...
  17. One of the Samurai's that arrived...wooohooo
  18. So who's taking on commission for the MW group
  19. So they just announced it Murphy head will be available on another version of Robocop
  20. thanks preordered them...really wanted to get it through BBTS because they have the collector grade option. Just hope nothing is wrong with them when they arrive.
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