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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I kept my promise....
  2. Oh and I finally caught up with the Macross Frontier valks again.. pics coming soon suckaz!

  3. ugh...ended up with two keaton rides.. oh well keeping the other one for a rainy day. Gonna open my Neo Geo finally dammit!

  4. update on this thing?
  5. Wish I was closer Benson.. I'd give you a hand in the move... I guess if I got rid of everything non Macross in the room I can have room to display each valk in each of their modes. =(
  6. Might have to go to this one . If I do go I'm not sure what items I can bring to get signed. Suggestions?
  7. I have bills and a mortgage . It's called work and overtime
  8. yep.. i have =( I've gotten rid of some of the non macross stuff...probably going to let the gundams go next...baby on the way man.. giving up the library/hot toys/dvd room ...wife still ain't budging about letting me display that hot toys stuff in the living room =(
  9. Damn Cannon Fodders...never learn
  10. No Just one.....Well actually one and one en route...so yeah I guess two. Might sell the other one though. Wife put her foot down on just having two. I'll be putting it in the living room replacing the Tumbler. I still have a diorama being built for the "Bat Bunker". Planning on putting that on top of the granas table if I decide to move it to another room. Tumbler and bat pod on the main diorama and another batpod with catwoman on the top. Selina actually arrived yesterday but I haven't opened her yet. I've been busy with these guys...
  11. She lookin kinda old...did Grace give her too many of those pills?
  12. Its usually silence...
  13. Keaton's ride arrived...freaking awesome...next week the lady on the batpod =)

  14. tada... Comparison picture of the Toynami version
  15. Something big is coming this week.. just hope its not damaged...crossing my fingers...
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