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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Do tell...? Yeti I'll pm you once I have my list finalized.
  2. What parts do I need to set up four zero valks in one stand? And is it stable enough? (1vf0s and 3vf0d?)Also the same but this time 1 Nora 1 Ivanov and 2 fodder?
  3. Can't wait... these are free right for the ones that got them already?
  4. Got a chance to do some ready organizing the top of the display cases. Not sure what obsessed me to collect the frontier figures.I'll probably just sell them. Not even sure how much they go for
  5. Got mine, but haven't opened it yet. Need some "me time" or when the wife steps out so I can sneak it into the Macross Room.. LOL
  6. What is this?
  7. Can't wait for mine
  8. He was suppose to finish a kit for me...never finished and ran off with it.. never contacted me back..so screwed? Yes...still a sensitive topic for me... Here's the link of the item he was working for me... http://www.fg-site.net/archives/post_old/138754 A buddy of mine..yep.. and lights...
  9. You wanna trade? LoL
  10. So I finally got mine today...sadly same issue. I bought two and took a chance that even if one box was messed up maybe the other one will be atleast mint. Too bad I was mistaken. Just like the others have mentioned its not the shipping box from Lunar to me, it seems to have been before that. The item itself was well padded with newspaper. Judge for the images.. you can call me anal but at this point not even sure what to do.. frustrated yes.. Did anybody actually get a mint box at all?
  11. Mike sent you a message
  12. It was blown out of proportion because of the initial response and remarks. I don't think wanted free stuff. If it was a shipping damage I can understand but both situation stated that the shipping box was undamaged which means it was from the initial shipment. If I was a retailer, wouldn't you want to check the box before you ship it out to customers. I'm referring to the actual items box of course. Because wouldn't you know ahead of time that there will be complaints coming? I'm sure lunar wants to stand by it's customer service, but the response could have been handled differently. Sorry but when I buy an item I am anal, why because these toys are expensive. Our perceptions might be different but I'm sure we both feel the same way about proper customer service .
  13. Unless my sarcasm radar is off
  14. Hey man how would you feel if one of the anime figures you bought and saved your money for came dented? It's always easy to say things when it's not happening to you.
  15. ugh..i have two en route.. i'm a little worried....it was in chicago on friday and for some reason its onto wisconsin...wtf...i don't live there..
  16. What page is the instruction for sending payment again?
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