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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. In for observation!
  2. To build or not to build a fleet...
  3. I try my best... I'm open to taking in things that needs a home in the Museum. Still looking for customizers for some projects but losing trust in finding good ones to work on the kits I have. 1/72 Monster is being done by a fellow member here and I know I'm in good hands. MT can vouch for him =) Been busy with other things in life as you know. I think I may have actually spent more time on FB groups than here. I don't come here as often as I do anymore for certain reasons, but the members who know me outside of MW have been pretty cool keeping in touch. I'll chime in occasionally, but it won't be as much as I use to. Family, 1/6 Figs, and Cycling has taken most of my time now. Macross is still there inside somewhere...just looking for a spark again. Maybe Delta but no one knows what the future holds.
  4. Benson gave me the idea, but it makes me want to put my Ray Ban glasses on
  5. Let your inquiring minds comprehend this scene...O:-) https://youtu.be/1hMPI1jE6vo
  6. Upgrading one of the Jokers with this....
  7. BATMAN BEGINS............ Batman: Nice..... Gordon: I couldn't find any Mob Bosses Gordon: Take this guy, armed robbery, double homicide, got a taste of the theatrical like you... Gordon: Leaves a calling card.... Batman: I'll look into it.....
  8. I know.. what's more surprising is that he is well known on this forum and would be the last person I would thought of running with my stuff..
  9. ................................................
  10. My Guy went MIA on me including my Blue Roses and Metal Siren, Anyone have some free time to do commission work? I need someone who won't go missing and run off with my stuff.
  11. Don't need a list... People can Vouch for it....Two words: A lot
  12. On Deck, Arcadia VS Yamato
  13. Get the 1/4, I think its more detailed, but you have to decide if you have the room... My 1/4th Line up on display.....MJ i'm keeping in the box
  14. Just finished my annual Century ride on Sunday..
  15. Actually they are not the Ikea lights. Ikea stop selling the bright white light version and replaced all their line with the warm light. The ones I have are different and ordered through a different site. I can't think of the site at the moment. I'll post it when I find it in my email somewhere. I was contemplating about it, I went ahead and got Luke and Vader back in the day with the hopes of ordering the others, but I know once I dive into it I'm going to go search for ways to customize them which will equal to more $$. I already got custom sabers and a hand for Vader. Plus I don't have anymore room. I was luckily enough that the wife let me put it on one side of our dining room, or else they'd be in their boxes. But I'm more focused on the Nolan section. With custom heads coming from a buddy of mine for the Joker, Batman Begins, TDK, and capes from Tony Mei, I'm good. Also it doesn't help when I got into cycling as a hobby...I didn't know some bicycles cost more than a motorcycle...My Evo DuraAce Di2
  16. Almost complete...
  17. Star Wars...yep with custom light sabers and custom cut off hand for Darth Vader Whoa Doc that's heavy... I see nipple #1 I see nipple #2 Cheese.. Winter is Coming.. HECTOR!!!
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