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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. The one he’s referring to is a custom, 4th from the left. The second one from the left in this pic is the one your referring to (Yamato): Close up on the differences. The Yamato line up: (Knocks on wood after checking his Weathered Roys). I believe those cracks occur if they are exposed to heat or warmer temp. My Macross room has always been cooled throughout the year. Yamato Weathered Roy, Hikarus w/ weathered FP: The rest of the old pics. The J- Men: The Bushmen: The Cavalier: The Autobot: Size Matters: The Packaging Light them up… FullSizeRender.MOV
  2. If your referring to the 1/72 and 1/65 versions that can be arranged 😁
  3. The weathered 19 is the last of the line I hope to join the line up. The I would have every single YF19 Yamato, Arcadia, Bandai has ever produced. When that gets released I’m definitely going to take a pic.
  4. This is dope
  5. Didn’t come in a box but they are in.
  6. If that Angel bird with FP ever needs a home, it’s welcome to join my squadron. In the meantime, this is my leader for that squad: photo dump, not sure if I posted these already…
  7. Let’s see.. In spirit of the new Angel birds that have landed
  8. When my orders get in and if I have time to get creative maybe
  9. I did it for the Yamato 1/48…no cotton smoke trails though..
  10. 😘
  11. I think I snagged the last one from HLJ
  12. Thanks…then yes getting this.
  13. Not sure about this. I’ve gotten every version. Seems like another repeat.
  14. I want this but I literally have nowhere to put this.
  15. The wing colors on the 19 and the shoulder plastic color. I wish I could go through the storage and pull out the knock off ones. The boxes look almost identical to the Bandai ones except for the Bandai logo, it’s a character’s image.
  16. The 17 is legit, the 19 is a knock off
  17. So when is this happening?
  18. Didn’t know there was even a new one out. My PF all have tight joints including the olive color ones. might grab one, but saving up for the PF19
  19. Promotion kicked in time
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