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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Haven’t done that before and gotta find time. Figured maybe having it already done and leg work done would be easier. Not too familiar with banner print shops. I’m sure you have experience with that in the cake industry?
  2. Haven’t counted or dusted them yet in a while. It usually take 2-3 days of cleaning. Taking them out and putting them back in the glass cases. For sure since I haven’t really sold any 1/48, still above the 120 mark, not sure if I cracked the 150 barrier. For sure 35-40% have matching SSP or GBP amors. I’ve lost count of those since a few of them are still unopened and I have a few containers with lose SSP that I acquired a while back. Got rid of some of the empty boxes. There was no point since I won’t be selling them anyway. I had a goal to at least get them laid out all in valk modes with either SSP in the living room floor which will take the whole living room floor space. The opened ones at least, still debating on letting the ones in new boxes breath (they won’t be mib if I take them out lol). Not only is it a matter of time consumption to get all the opened 1/48 out, but getting the wife to ban her and the kids from the living for 2/3 days is a no no, so laying them all out is still a reach. I had reached out to an Australian company to see if they could build/print me a 1/48 air craft carrier deck (same company that produces the 1/48 decks sheet on eBay), but they said it would be too expensive. I suggested doing it in sections but I never got a reply back. I was gonna check with Miriya on the boards since he had printed me out stuff before if it’s doable. If anyone can print me or get me a quote for 1/48 mock up carrier deck print out that would be awesome. But for now Marvel has been taking up much of my time. I know this weekend it definitely will be. My DC has been collecting dust but as soon as I get a new body for Bane then I’ll shift attention there again. Finding time now is hard, family/kids, biking, macross, Marvel, dc, freaking backyard work. Ughh....
  3. Bucky and Rhody left..BP incoming in 2 Weeks...
  4. I commissioned someone to do mine, then he went missing. Not sure if he’s dead or in prison. But when I get a chance to go to Canada I’ll try to stop by his place.
  5. Waiting for the PO on that one to go up. Busy next few months... May - Thanos, Black Panther, Hulkbuster IW, Mark L July - Gamora, 1/4 Mark III
  6. Other Half of the Titan Team
  7. Team Cap Team Tony Team Nidavellir Wakanda Team (Waiting on WS & BP) Titan Team
  8. Just finally finished collecting the Civil War line up....
  9. Found some old pictures might as well post them
  10. Thank you...I’ve been distracted with other things as of late and haven’t spent much time in there.
  11. Maybe just one Ivanov. I don’t think they'll be making any other variants anytime soon considering it’s taking them this long to release one.
  12. Might try the parts swap if I have time. Not sure if this has been posted before..
  13. Been fortunate enough to own four D’s (2 Virgins, 1 Trainer, and 1 unfinished (needs paint)pictured above). Not gonna count the two other unfinished kits. Maybe when NB4M releases or shares his upgraded version I’ll dice into finishing it.
  14. Noel is correct it’s part from HIQ. HLJ had them in stock. Speaking of D’s
  15. There are differences for the old folks still on the forum. Box difference with Velcro and alignment of the skulls on the tail fins for example. Check with Jenius. I know there are at least 4 Versions of the 1/48 with the latest one having a different box all together. You can also do a search if its on the new archives or lost in the old system.
  16. No.. I’ve strayed here long enough for one day.... Gotta move on to other interests..... Well maybe one last one for memories sake....
  17. Does paintball marker count as a toy?
  18. Only the Roy and Hikaru were reissued like Jenius said at least three or four times with the latest version having new art boxes.
  19. Mark IV w/ Gantry inbound
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