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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. anybody take pics?
  2. Since i was on spring break, i decided that today i would dedicate it to decaling up a YF19. I did the modifications that a few of you already suggested (i.e. shoulders, landing gear, and neck cover), but i also managed to do a few tweeks here and there. I actually didn't like the grey thing going on so i painted it over with flat black. (like the feet, shoulder vents, neck, neck palte, guns on the head, and a few other things. Thanks to takatoys for the decals.. i wish he could modify my wings =( Feet: Neck: Neck plate and guns on the head: Guns on the chest: Overall with takatoys decals: Didnt' take the time to make everything tight and dandy transformation so one of the shoulders is sticking out. I was just too tired to do anything.. cutting decals and applying them takes soo much time..
  3. i soo want one
  4. okay this is the thing, i'll be trying to detail the valk with a pencil. Now i purchased a sealer from an art shop that indicate that it stop smudging on paintings etc. Since it is going to be a pencil has anyone ever used it or heard of it. The spray is called Blair (very low odor) workable matte fixative spray for drawings stops smudging. Anyone ever tried it? Also for those that detailed their valk, did you detail it first then put the decals on? or did you put the decals first the detail it? lmk and any input would be appreciated. thanks
  5. Hey guys, i'm not much of a builder/modeler myself, but i did purchase a resin statue from macau a while back and have never displayed it due to the damage the paint got from the shipping. I thought i'd give it a shot if anyone would take on the task and offer their services in trying to get it fixed. If anyone is interested, its a Rurouni Kenshin statue that has already been discontinued, I'll take pics if someone wants to take on the task. I might also have a Nadesico resin kit (blk aestevalis) that might need building) Lmk if anyone has time or wants to take upon the task. I appreciate the help. TIA Kicker773
  6. he just wants to be like hikaru
  7. might need help from a few of you on this. I recently picked up a jpn ps3, i live in the us and reason that i purchased it was it for of course gaming (region free), and asian region dvd viewing. The problem is that it does come with a jpn manual, anyone may or possible scan me the us version of the manual or scan it for me and send it. I would be more than happy to compensate for your troubles. On a different note, i just needed to confirm something: Is p2 or ps1 games region free on the ps3 or are they only for the ps3 games? Anyone tried hooking up their jpn ps3 from the u.s. online? so far those are the only questions i can think of, if anyone can answer or possbibly direct me to where i can find the answer that would be great. thanks Kicker773
  8. yep pretty nice
  9. what are those signs anyway? would look good on my passenger side if its a throw up sign =)
  10. "woohoo macross geeks rejoice" he says
  11. Done its on pg 23 of the collection post. Also thanks Drifand, i didnt even know you could do that. I'll try that in a few mins =)
  12. Kicker773

    1/100 WF YF-21

    now where can we buy some of that!? is it pre painted or just preassmbled? and where the heck can we get those stands?
  13. Two wing zero customs and one regular, one is with the MG zero and Tallgeese III and the other one is on a custom lost and found display stand that i had to modify to get the zero to be able to sort of stand in midair so his wings can enclose him =). The regular one is with the MK and RX78. I haven't gotten a chance to get the strikes yet (rouge and etc.) since the yammie disease infected me
  14. Here let me help undo that image =P and another pose
  15. those are available at Ikea, but they seem to be more expensive than the detolfs which are only 60.00
  16. I know.. i'm working on getting the super hik, might as well instead of buying just a hik.. low viz 2 w/ armor probably soon, but i'm waiting for a pair of valks that are soon to come =) I"ll post the pics on the collection page later on tonight
  17. I'll post pictures of the collection in the detolfs and of the dvd collections if anyone is interested...=)
  18. holy crap what size or kit is that monster from?
  19. Group pic everyone say cheese!!
  20. If you keep producing good work like that you might have some orders coming your way for customs.. not sure if jung or anyone else does them anymore. I'd be the first one in line if you can be consistent with those jobs if you ever decide to sell your services =)
  21. but ideally is there a difference in color? it seems that the Vf1s roy is th eonly pure white one and everything else is like dirty white.. can anyone confirm this? of course with the exception of the angel bird, but it seems that way.. the like the VF1S hikaru and all the other VF1A DYRL are slightly off color white
  22. Not that adventerous enough to risk 100+ =( at the moment. I have a few toys that are MIA somewhere within the EMS system I hope the seller can locate it *sigh*
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