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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. what kind of services is HWR offerring, is it just hasegawa models or does he also do resin kits? i have a freakn g-system backpack for the PG strike that needs building =)
  2. it looks awesome.. wish i had the skills to do that to the six that i have =(
  3. dont' worry i haven't received an e-mail yet either
  4. Their detolfs from ikea, and i believe they are still on sale for 59.99. They used to be 99.99 when i first got one, then bought the other one for cheaper. I should have waited.. Oh well, most of my macross stuff are on those boards
  5. Well i'm not skilled in diorama making or model building, but here is my version of what my SDF section would look like.. Flight deck: Lower Level: Wish I had skill to build mini maintenance people and vehicles And what would a lower deck be without pods for spying the enemy: The other side of the lower deck: Wish they made the destroids as big as the 1/48 valks: The imaginary levels of an SDF1: lol i had some time in my hands and re-did my displays to make room for PG's in the detolfs.
  6. manga is way far ahead =)
  7. got those on ebay. pretty cheap, just type in acrylic. =)
  8. so is it a different color if bought separately than the combo or is that pic just a prototype?
  9. I'm strictly a 1/48 kind of guy ^,^
  10. does the toy actually have room for those? i checked mine and can't find any way to expand the sides.
  11. speaking of that bike, where the heck did he get all those swords? and is fenrir uppose to hold all those swords?
  12. That's Poramet's shop.. i forgot his sn on mw, but i tried contactin him about custom rau's.. but he never contacted me back =(. He's from thailand and does quiet a bit of custom work.
  13. add me on to that list if you ever decide to sell them. I haven't had any problems yet, but just in case i would like some back ups =)
  14. Yep that's probably the only thing i'm missing.. i'm waiting for someone to sell me their Super VF1J Hik =). Don't worry Kensei your still way crazier than me =)
  15. went to the doctor today since i wasn't feeln good.. he gave me three pills and told me to call him in the morning. I came home took them and took a nap. When i woke up i felt heavey and my muscles were sore. So i walked up the mirro to look what the hell was wrong with me. This is what i saw on the reflection: Bulk up, milk does the body good!!
  16. anybody have pics to what black part is everyone referring to? I"m a lil lost somewhere..
  17. i'm working on paiting two of my YF19, one blue and one white.. anyone have a picture of how the supernova stickers go onto the valk?
  18. Just a quick question, its YF19 related, but what color is the YF19A? (i.e. Tamiya spray paint) hint hint
  19. i just recently bought a pg strike kit.. and trying to figure out which spray cans to use (doing the donnychen's step by step build up), but i'm not sure which ones to choose from. Any suggestions? maybe commission work instead for someone to build it
  20. any progress on this? i know its old but i just had to ask.. i just recently bought a pg strike kit.. and trying to figure out which spray cans to use (doing the donnychen's step by step build up), but i'm not sure which ones to choose from. Any suggestions? maybe commission work instead for someone to build it
  21. more stuff came in the mail today.. = more things added = no more room left = might be sleeping with toys soon..
  22. funny, HLJ seems it has it under restocking for March
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