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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. maybe next month i need to find 10x fp =( 5 movie and 5 stealth.
  2. nice.. maybe its just me but those gaps after you slap on the FP really bothers me. I'm referring to the gaps that appear by the chest plate.
  3. fixed...
  4. and of course the remainding Hikarus: DYRL Hikarus The line up: The future and more mature Hikaru:
  5. So anyways i was up early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep and was a lil frustrated due to someone's check not clearing yet =(, so i decided to tweak and finish a project i had started a few days ago. Excuse the artistic work, not a pro in painting and its accuracy compared to the original, but thought i'd give it a shot. Here is my version of the TV Hikaru/Rick Hunter: I'll work on it again during the end of the week for its visor in the helmet. But so far this is what i've got. What do you guys think? =)
  6. i'm i might be in. Do you have any pics of the difference (fix model vs non fix model)? Also any after pics =)?
  7. i finally received my 5 sets of Fp for my yf19 army, i'm a little disappointed that their capabilities of attaching towards the valk is kinda weak and makes it more flimsy with the legs attaching to the arms, they tend to easily pop out. Then again it could be due to my modification of taka's shoulders. Perhaps yamato made it with the non-flushed shoulders. Well i haven't tried that yet. Anyone know again what and how many batteries i'm gonna need for this dildo? Oh and surprisingly the yf19 w/ fp combo box is the same size as the yf19 individual set.
  8. I am so ready to click away!!!
  9. when are those FFVII toys coming out??
  10. wow those look nice! Are you producing these in the future? Perhaps maybe a VF1S, VF1J and the Archer variation on the 1/48 scale with a wire and battery that you can attach behind the chest plate of the 1/48 valk. that be really nice.. looks good~
  11. Ha, i guess i got lucky and managed to snag enough of FP for my YF19 army. =) I was questioning myself if i should pick it up or pick up the bundle, but apparently the bundle is also out.. whew.. got one of the bundle just in case
  12. any suggestions on game that can have 4 player co op on the system w/out going online?
  13. just checked out game's pics.. whats up with the dudes in cosplay dressed up as female characters.. is this the new trend now? Havent' been to a con in a while, but when i use to go i've never seen dudes dress up as girls...erk..It seems that there were only 2 lookers on that event, the one dressed up as black lagoon (taller one) and the ninja girl who seems to be not wearing any underwear
  14. still waiting on your reply.. sent mail for an order =)
  15. The Yf19 combo and FP our finally released: nice boxes color.. ergh green
  16. never mind solve the problem.. and manged to fit another one in there... Not a pg, but hey close enough
  17. anyone know what to use for decal remover without damaging the paint? thanks for the help.
  18. Which one is the airbrakes for the ghost or the valk? the cover for the valk you mean? if it is both mine keeps popping out on one side (same for both valks)
  19. dodgethis, why not make a new thread with your modifications step by step on it =) I'm curious on what you use to panel line the valks. My Zero valks look plain with their ghost on them. TIA
  20. Anyone by chance have any spare 1/48 yammie parts lying around anywhere? I'm looking for a wing flap for the right wing, its actually the wing w/out the macross logo on it. To be more specific its the one that's sort of detachable (rectangle) not the folding wing flap. Hope that helps i'm trying to locate one to replace one that's missing. Preferably from a VF1A yammie. Hope someone can help. thanks Kicker773 It isn't the LW2 or RW2 but the rectangle detachable piece on the RW1, you really can't see it on the pic but if you look at the right wing you can eyeball it out clearly. It isnt' the one circled in this pic but the one next to it
  21. any possible diagrams on where to put some of these on each valk.. i'm a freakn newb at these things =(
  22. I got mine a few days ago and slapped on the ghost and noticed the same problems some of you have mentioned. Anyone care to do a step by step on how to fix some of these problems?
  23. If anyone ever wanted extra CMS' of what i have give me a pm GOT CMS?
  24. how did you manage to fit that strike in that detolf...erk.. i'm having a hard time fittin them in there..
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