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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. unless i missed it, but i think all of the decals are stickers on the SV and not tampo print.. check dannychoo's page he's got pics of it naked..
  2. thought i'd match a valk with their designated FP, plus i feel like its missing something with just the valk alone.
  3. I'm assuming there was no release date yet on the Blk YF19 nor was there a pre order anywhere.. however someone on evilbay is already taking preorders
  4. the carrier platform is from the GI JOE USS ship and the bottom decks, well joo know ikea comes in handy =)
  5. Didn't joo get the memo, boxes are kewl now , you definitely need to organize those boxes atleast, even though you can't display them atleast keep it clean where you can still have room to see where is what because from the looks of it you seem to not care what happens to any of them
  6. Got a new shelve system, so i couldn't resist to post pics.. =) and to keep it macross related, my aircraft carrier =) (didn't want to slap on the front deck or else i would hit my head when i wake up in the morning
  7. i actually managed to get those (ninja and the other girl: aka Tsukasa Bullet chicks =) ) kept them in a sealed box..
  8. wow nice.. i would definitely want one.. would it be possible to extend the front a lil bit, i think the top cover needs to be a lil bit longer/sticking out more =)
  9. would anyone tackle that, i mean is it possible to putty up a FP to look like a ostrich? lol.. or perhaps an elint? a couple of putty here and there and other things lol...
  10. Adding some variety to this thread knowing that it will be a while before it comes out
  11. Well, I was really concerned when i saw some sort of stretch marks, well not really stress marks i guess since its not a different color, but it was enough to scare me from transforming it. However I finally managed to gather up the courage to transform it last night, actually two of them back to valk mode.. phew what an ordeal. Luckily nothing is broken and the stretch mark looking thing is still intact. Dodge a bullet there.. phew. I do have an OS that has remained in valk mode ever since i've read people's issues, I was looking ot get the combo but will definitely wait until i get some good confirmation on its durability.
  12. thanks that's all i needed to know =)
  13. how would a reinforced yF19 shield look like?
  14. damn i am so getting one.. no preorders yet i guess..
  15. i would love to own one of those to go with my small army.. any idea if any of the proto leaked out anywhere? I'd sell my RG's for that!
  16. Now my dilemma is, what exactly does the "D" in the VF1D stand for? Is it because of the two-seater or is it due to the head of the valk? The reason i'm inquiring is, my curiousity for the Virgin Road valk is getting the best of me. I currenlty don't own a model, but would like to know if the valk has a VF1D regular head or a VF1J head like the M&M valks. Any help would be much appreciated. TIA Kicker773
  17. someone take lots of pics please =)
  18. your photo album looks amazing, especially the Miria Rau =)
  19. wow that is nice =)
  20. used another figure, modified the head area so that i can still take out the regular hik head =) looks pretty good for a first try =) I'm working on a kakizaki, if i can find a good round body and head. Glad you guys like it.. and excuse the distractions..
  21. ahah so do i =) i also have a folder for fixes.. please do.. i really hate those gaps
  22. so to be on the safe side, ordering replacement parts right now is not a good options since it *might be the old* type of plastic. So we are better off waiting for the re-released versions? VFOS bundle is the newer type of plastic?
  23. for the illiterate ones like myself.. what is that abbreviation? RMFP - read manual fully p..??
  24. its not really the magnets i believe, but when you slap on the FP on the valk mode, the chest area tends to show gaps and when you try and push it back in together to make it flush in the wing that are attached to the FP pulls out the Fp from the legs (which proves that part where the wing attaches to isn't a problem). Its just those freakn gaps that's bothering me =(
  25. so whats the final answer on this, are the new arms being produced with the new VFOS and VOA ghost combos??
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