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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. Better add me to the list for two =) M&M
  2. what scale is that woman?
  3. phack i'm getting atleast 7 of those when they come out perhaps ten to make my new edwards base!!
  4. so how much would they sell for the whole set?
  5. nice guys.. haven't been on in a while.. but glad to be back =)
  6. dont the authentic ones have that small white piece of paper in japanese indicating its weathered effect.. i think the new one don't have those.
  7. The famous couples: Opened one of the extra stealth FP's to see how it would look on a 25th, not too shabby..Looks kinda mean Wow from the moment i started collecting only a year ago I've accumulated so many valks.. maybe its time to retire..... Nah.. theres too many members on here that have helped me get my collection in order and plus i'm sure there will be more things available for the 1/48...I hope right NB4M
  8. wow.. i'm feeling the destroid, but not the price.. maybe this christmas i might pick up a few and retire these: Was always a yf19 fan...can't you tell =).. took a while for me to get a yf21... dunno why..but i finally snagged a few with some surprises here and there
  9. whats the number of destroids needed for a daedalus attack exactly? TIA
  10. I'll take 2x XL's if there still up for grabs.. pm me for confirm so i can send payment later on today =) I need a hoody with that on the back!
  11. great pictures of your collection guys! As always, love your diorama miriya.. hope i can get one of those someday!
  12. Save, Do you know by chance if the new releases limited VF1S hik and Max have limited ed. boxes or not? thanks Kicker773
  13. hehehe i have a 25th anniversary in the works =) with a surprise ...soon ..
  14. Don't want to show everything yet.. or else what would i post =(..check my other posts somewhere and there might be something new =)
  15. You know I totally forgot that I had a VF1J in the back w/ GBP armor that wasn't included in the class picture.. i guess he has to go through training again before graduating, but then again he is the salututorian. So here's part of the class of 07-08 The Urban students: Then we throw in the international exchange student: I'll try to get another picture with all the students in line including both the salututorian and validictorian =)
  16. can't wait for those pictures graham... still i've yet to pick up a YF21. But I think I will most likely pick up three VF11 Thunderbolts prior to me picking up a 21.. dunno why.. i use to love the 21.. then my 19's got customized.. then i got lost somewhere. Can't wait for those pics! Perhaps i can fall in love with the Plus series again.
  17. Not white, but close enough =). Putting the Hammer Down on an unfinished Low Viz MG TH =)
  18. All together now:
  19. nice collection fellas...Since VF18S-Hornet already showed the DYRL with FP... I'll add a different variation =) DYRL VF1S Squad: DYRL Skull Squadron in Full Metal GBP Armor: thanks and enjoy
  20. Got my shirts, thanks solscud... are there any chances of a size XS for women or S for women available in the near future?
  21. oh btw miriya the power in my neighborhood is back on.. =T
  22. lol actually miriya was the one who picked it.. I know the sides and the front cover is mines =)
  23. If i had two, yes i'd play with one, but since i only have one.. no touchy touchy
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