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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. guess this can go here.. collection.. tried to organize them base on their series (i.e. x-force, x-force2, x-factor, etc.) , but got lost
  2. ergh.. i got nabbed on that one.. i relapsed man.. i really did thought i could hold out longer.. but the 1/48 itch is there... need to release the tension someone did for me a while back
  3. my addiction occurred again this month hence i missed the opportunity to pick one up dammit!!!! But it did lead me to two more weathered roys.. dunno why.. dammit..
  4. i need a new camera first =( Don't worry vegas pare, i still have yet to pick up the new 1/60's and Destroids
  5. Any hotels close by? I would want to bring things, but not sure if its safe. How is the security over there?
  6. Don't leave yet!!! You still need to make me perhaps some new boxes =) MG low viz's or Virgins
  7. btw I have family in Switzerland as well, and I've heard their having problems there too as well with the economy.
  8. Well for me, I started collecting about a year and a half ago if I recall correctly. Do not disturb and a few other can vouch to that when I went nuts and bought a load of 1/48 in a short time. In addition to adding a crazy amount of CMS series and more 1/48's which have accumulated. I remember buying the 1/60's version 1.0 and at one point had all of them, but decided to let them go and just keep the Ostrich and the Elint. I remember that year I was still in school and had two more semesters to finish. Now that I look back at it, perhaps I shouldn't have jumped that deep =). Then again I didn't really notice all these toys until I joined the forum which god knows took forever. It was kind of weird since my first hobby was my car and I've put a lot of money into it from working at best buy and gamestop for a few years (took some time off school). Glad that I finally finished school and work in the Health care industry. Money and isn't bad and the work isn't too hard. Plus I think finding a job isn't too difficult. So now with the new shift of hobbies I managed to accumulate a lot more valks (mainly 1/48) and customs here and there. Still have the mac Plus and Zero line, but have not plunged to take the dive for the new 1/60's Ver. 2. I kept thinking that I might just get the 1/60 line in one go when all of them are out. Then again I don't think that's happening this year. Just recently picked up a wedding band last night. I'll probably pick up or jump on the 1/60 bandwagon when all of them are released or out. There's just too many things coming out (i.e. frontier toys and new figures by different companies, kinda confusing), but I will pick up the SDF one. Then again I also will be selling my car since its becoming a hassle having it as a daily driver (i.e. getting followed home by thieves, trying to break into the garage, etc.) which made me spend more money to just get a beater car. Well if everything goes well with selling the hobby car i can use the $$ to buy the engagement ring (moving backwards, i know, but the wedding band price was too hard to resist) and whatever extra i can just get the other 1/60 line. I'll pick up another car next year, no biggie, beater runs fine as it is.
  9. oh my i'm so in for one
  10. yep, if we had a MWcon in my area that be just awesome!!!
  11. dont forget to take pictures please
  12. you mean like this one:
  13. maybe .....just maybe..
  14. can't wait to get this.. but i'm not really feeling the other toys from the frontier line.
  15. Man this thread has deviated from the posts of mac toys.. nonetheless great pics everyone.. Kicker needs to get that new digi cam quick!
  16. Just wait til i get that new camera.. and the new customs come in
  17. picked my first one when they announced that they were going to re-release it for the original price it was going for to begin with. Bought a second one to display, then today the GF bought me my third one. Don't know if its the 2nd edition or not, but i'm pretty siked that the GF bought it for my bday!! She is starting to understand and hopefully like Macross =)
  18. is illinois far =T i tried. I dont think i've met anyone around the area who are into macross let alone stores that carry any valks.
  19. not a burst mode but close enough =)
  20. i'd be interested if someone can get me those pictures/diagram and just click print and put them together =) for the 1/48 scale =)
  21. aww man i wanna go.. wish there was something like that in the midwest/chicago =) area
  22. coo
  23. hehe can't wait to get a new camera and maybe finally get a few pics of da squad and the new additions to the Armor Clan
  24. vegas what kind of camera are you using and what lens? i'm saving up on getting a good one hence me not been able to fix my craving for the new macross toys .. ergh.. and how did you get tha background? is it a table or a special kind of set up? lmk.. thanks pare
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