Anyway I'm not sure if there was one started already but we needed updates. I finally got a chance to see how this thing looks like....well it looks exactly like the Roy weathered, but has nothing special to it. No special slip cover or anything else for that matter. It basically looks like a regular VF1S hikaru box and inside is a weathered valk with the same small piece of paper that Roy had indicating "This is weathered etc.". For the price that they will be going for not sure if I'm convinced to pick one up. I mean anyone can just weather a Hikaru 1S and then slap on a photo copied/chopped version of the weathering label and slap it on there and call it limited edition. Not suggesting ideas for the scammers out there, but as an anal collector of the 1/48, not sure i'd be willing to shell out the amount that this goes for while i can just have someone weather one for me and get better results and get rid of the seam on the VF1S head and then slap on my own small piece of paper indicating its weathered. Voila i have a limited edition one to as well I'm not sure if the FP are weathered, but c'mon it still comes in an original FP box.
Although the only difference I see are these stickers, "but c'mon stickers.. your talking about stickers?"