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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. With the limited room I have, having them all one the floor is not quiet possible for a group picture. I remember Godzilla had a picture of his room where it was a wall of valk boxes. I have that plus the ones that are out of the box. The last set of pictures i posted took two days to move things around, transform, group them, etc. OMG I couldn't move around my room for a while and I had to be careful not to step on any of them.
  2. I wish i could take a picture of all my 1/48's, but it won't fit on my floor nor do i have a table to put all of them, not even including the ones in the boxes still. It will really make you appreciate how precious and beautiful 1/48's are.
  3. Are you offering your services? I managed to snag decals for a 1/48 Ostrich, planning on doing the yellow/gold ostrich with white decals when i receive your kit
  4. that's very true.. sad, but true.. I should be covered though.... i hope.
  5. GBP's are awesome especially if you have a squad of them.. +3 that's not included in the picture =)
  6. lol...
  7. Where is everyone else's pictures? Kicker is out of pictures and signing off
  8. Angelbirds are bodyguards/exhibition valks..
  9. OMG! can't wait til that's finished
  10. my collection is nothing to the other monsters on this forum.. if i remember correctly Kensei had 100+ 1/48 and I know Godzilla is up there as well. There was another member on here that had every single valk in both 1/48 and 1/60 in each mode on dispaly (3 modes). Speaking of which where the hell are those guys?
  11. this is becoming epic....highlight of my afternoon before i head home from work.
  12. Any updates on this gigantor? Really curious on how this is turning out!!! Freakn AWESOME!!!
  13. saaaawwwwweeet!!!
  14. I"m going to wait until someone picks this up and reviews it... with the 1/72 it was always a pain transforming it.. now the heatshield looks cool, but how durable is it especially with the paint is the next question
  15. hopefully when this comes out i should have moved to a bigger place/room. Already got the approval from the fiancee that i can have a room to put all the Mac stuff and other toys in =) I'll have someone paint the room with a space back drop and have this sucka in the middle with other things hovering over it.. bhwuwuwhahahaha
  16. why not for the 1/48
  17. I dedicate this picture to the pioneer of the VF1D kit: I present to you the Wedding Congratulations ~ Max and Miria ~ Congratulations Wish I had more VF1A's =) anybody care to donate lol
  18. Please let me be on that list, hopefully near the top
  19. Lol can't, they don't let me do those things at work.. hehehe. Still waiting for your kits to finish the D-Line
  20. I have to thread softly oops gues photobucket is down
  21. Because I'm busy! D-Squad out!
  22. Just didn't feel the need to go through 20+ pages of reading.
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