I was just joking of course I wouldn't put that on the track...lol.. but it would look cool none the less..If I could find a large enough decal of a VF1S or an anime girl I'd slap that on darkness and let the good times roll...and in the words of Schizo:
Thou has incited the wrath of Schizo's Quote-changing.
"Hkaru, you've got to come back with me!"
"Back to the Macross!"
"Roy, come on, what are you doing?"
"I need fuel!"
"Aw, come on, Roc, I just got back. I was gonna take Misa out for a spin up to the lake in the new plane."
"Take her; this concerns her, too."
"What happens to us in the future, Roy? What, do we become apefaces or something?"
"Uh, no, you and Misa turn out fine. It's your kids, Hikaru! Something's got to be done about your kids!"
"Roy, you gotta back up! There's not enough flight deck to get up to 88!"
"Flight deck? Where we're going, we don't need... Flight decks."
*Converts to GERWALK*
But seriously If I do receive the helmet.. I would display it in a glass cabinet probably a 2 detolf size one and set it up like the ending credits of the Macross series..Helmet with an album of pictures of the characters and My large minmay next to it. That would be so cool