Wow, I never really bothered to look up the top part of the forums and one topic that jumped from the start was this thread. I never knew Ryno, nor have I done any transactions with him. I did see the occasional multiple posting, which at first was fine because I knew from the posts he was an enthusiastic guy, but as time progressed it did get a little annoying. Then again maybe I was just having a bad day and was easily annoyed.
I understand where the mods are coming from on this issue, rules are rules, and if we make an exception then they would have to make an exception for everyone. Permaban = Life time ban from the forum is a little bit harsh and I can see how it got there based on the many opportunities Ryno has been given. Then again I don't really know what conversations he had with the mods and he really didn't help his cause by calling mods names and forwarding an pm that was off the record and between him and the mods. I can feel his enthusiasm of wanting to post on the forum all the time since he loves macross so much, but like a girl says "don't love me too much that your starting to smother me!" (you all know what that means ^,^) he should have taken his 3 day suspension like a man and move on.
Personally, for me being a member on this forum is actually something I cherish since it took me almost six months to become a member. Confirmation issues with e-mail or logging in was a major problem a few years back and I never really heard anything from the mods when I e-mailed them about me joining. So 3 days of waiting is nothing compared to me waiting for six months to become a member. I've me a few a good people on the forum and also a few bad apples, but majority of my experience here has been great.
Ryno you should feel lucky that you have a few people on the forum who took the courage to speak up for you and back you up at the cost of their credibility. I hope you'll cherish that and listen to their advice next time. Your lucky to have met these people in person at cons and they were nice enough to try and speak up for you. I wish in the future if I ever get banned someone who speak on my behalf.