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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I'm seeing doubles or maybe my eyes are just uneven
  2. You have to try and build a METAL SIREN THAT SIZE!!!!!
  4. Not sure if its related but there are new Mac Frontier figures of Sheryl and Ranka on a mag posted here on the forum
  5. Have you ever posted pics of your collection Jenius?
  6. Kicker773

    Yamato Toy TV

    Nani? But seeing the black YF21 is awesome, just pure coolness
  7. Dunno bud, but I'll let you know hopefully by sunday. As far as anime.. i'm still hooked on Major..duno why.. for the Tower of Druaga, which one is first?
  8. What about Jessica Biel.. her in tight pants woudl look good
  9. Wow so this is where the other half of you guys hangout... great collection guys.. just insanely awesome... especially jenius' geebus. I didn't even notice this thread... how come this isn't in the toy section?
  10. what about that software everyone's raving about? Rosetta Stone or somoething, i've heard good reviews about it, but I haven't had the chance to pick it up. I would really like to learn Japanese and looking for a japanese gf is out of the questions since I already have a GF, but a penpal would be great.
  11. the designs are really awesome and larger scale of their planes would be great especially as a pretend to be enemy for a VF1 or a 21 or 19
  12. This is sad, really sad. You know Hollywood's version of comedy adaptation is dry and not funny at all. Not an anime title but look at what they did to "My Sassy Girl" - original version funny and awesome, american version ...ergh.. watched only 3mins of it and i returned it.
  13. That does look nice. Is the GNU planning on adding MacII series? or Mac7? I wasn't sure if it was covered before, but thought i'd ask anyway.
  14. Any pictures by chance? also I looked around the net for some wiring and a set up that I can use, but most places are sold out unless they have suggestions. TIA
  15. Yeah whatever happen to this? I hope he's ok, perhaps his busy.
  16. OMG i gotta get me one of these.. so what are the steps to get this into my hands? the solid plastic preferrably =) This should hold me out until the Gigantic SDF is released =) Awesome work, absolutely awwesome!
  17. fold them, I actually folded my old 1/48 boxes and placed them in a box (box in a box lol) and placed/organized the plastic trays and put them in a box as well. They are both in the garage which allows me to have more room for things like the VF11 =)
  18. take lots of pictures guys!! Isn't Kensei in Australia as well? Is he going? If he is I wonder if he'll be bringing his gigantic collection?
  19. Two words: 1/48 or 1/60 METAL SIREN
  20. I think with the track record of what has happened and who is associated with who (dead horse) the tension is still high and this post could have waited a few weeks, instead of bringing it up now. I think some parties are still tensed and need some relief/relaxation/vacation. That is the best way to approach a good conversation and to get to a solution. Take a step back and breathe, let some time go by and we can discuss it again. I think this thread would be helpful collectively, but not right now especially with that other "dead horse" thread up. ~kicker773
  21. Wow that trailer was intense...gotta love Snake-Eyes.. that duel he has with what's his name... is something i gotta see...
  22. LoL. But seriously I'm happy with the moderating here, I believe they've done a great job in keeping order and most people of who will fall under the end of the stick that regulates will feel like they've been isolated and persecuted and then point out the "inconsistencies" of moderating. I seriously don't see any inconsistencies really, well at least none that's shown on the toy forum and for sale section. I believe everyone is free to make their opinion known but to an extent. This is a forum, but its not just your forum. Like what everyone was saying your taking it too personally. I have never been banned or suspended on the forum, but if I was it would be a good reason. Although Exo might have said it that it doesn't need explanation, i'm sure they sent out pm's and e-mails on why people get suspended and banned from the forum. We appreciate your addition to the forum especially with your pictures and your love for macross, but constantly complaining about the moderating who majority of us don't have a problem with creates tension, which we try to avoid. Like what VFTF said, let it go and move on.
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