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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I hate you guys with your dope cameras and skillz yo
  2. I hate you guys.. i was holding back on the VF22 due the fact when I saw the first one posted it looked like it had chipping everywhere...then again Eugimon and his omega pants pictures had to draw me in.. erggh.. must resist
  3. Kicker773

    Latest custom.

    I have an orange one in my VF1D.. but wouldn't hurt for you to recast me one!
  4. checked out this month's dengeki hobby books and the MG is still the same. nothing's changed
  5. Could we get measurements of each wood pieces to know how much we should cut off =)
  6. Pastilan buenasa ninyo diha. unta maka bisita pud ko og makakita anang inyuhang gi haguan. tagdun lang gyud nako akoang panahon inig balhin nako. ma display lang nako akoang nubenta na valkyrie og ang akoang mga kustom. labi na ang akoang lima ka MG. awesome display bai!
  7. gosh I wanna go.. but I just came back from New Orleans, then I'm heading to vegas at the end of the month =(.. crap..Please lots of pictures..
  8. almost done... so close.. i can taste it.. the shrine.....
  9. bring this thread back to life!
  10. i use the fast roller..lol its mostly used for browsing.. i use another mouse for gaming with RB62!!
  11. @MaveRick - I took out my cloning device and started cloning away...i think i cloned myself to stay home and take more pics but I think he's knocked out. @Arthurius - Some yes, I originally started with the 1st gen YF19, but got tired with its faults and flaws, so I sold most of them and kept 3 I think from the original. Variants, Yes that is a possibility. I was looking for that colored MacPlus Book for references since it had quiet a few. We'll see this summer. @Alain - Pastilan inita dire karon, naa ko sa New Orleans...mura man yatig pilipinas.. pastilan gayud. @Ghost - thanks..i think all of the YF19 w/the exception of one in gerwalk mode are all 2gens with the FP bundle, I was too lazy to put them on. @505thAirborne - I do have the G.I. Joe USS aircraft carrier, but when I move to a new place, wifey says I can have a Macross Room of my own - just in case if i get in trouble I won't have to sleep in the couch, but in the Macross Room with my beloved valks surrounding me...lol @Vegas - Sana may bago akong Camera ka gaya mo tol'. Para mukhang professional naman sana ang mga pictures ko.. (leaning on that D90 kit on ebay w/ other necessities) Anyone have any suggestions on any Toy stores carrying Macross stuff in New Orleans? Wife's at a conference this week, tagged along for the scenery.
  12. Guess I had the itch before leaving for New Orleans tomorrow.. couldn't resist had to do it.. since someone dared me lol Old New Edwards Base: New New Edwards Base: (Pic is w/out other YF19's, Couldn't fit it on the table) lol gotta love my crappy pics with my old digi cam...oh and forgot to clean my room..lol..
  13. awesome!!
  14. From Last year's CON =)
  15. tang ina tol... ang dami no atang panahon ngayon ah! Dali bai ...himo e nako og akoa..lol
  16. You have the decals Corey, just DO IT!
  17. psssssst.... there's your whisper.. but seriously.. i'm not sure bud, it has been silent for a while... btw Kicker gave in and bought a weathered tomahawk version.. my first destroid in 1/60 looks pretty large compared to my old destroid battalion.
  18. is that color suppose to be like that?
  19. Yes a few more. Ghost - give me time and it shall be done.
  20. I familiar with yours Roy, yours was based of mine =) from Tou of course... too bad you didn't keep it.. i hope it wen to a good home. Hopefully the new owner can post some pics =)
  21. =) I have a couple that can dethrone the king =T w/out a TH =)... TH is still on the works But awesome none the less.. thanks for the addition.. I had pics of it but I was waiting for the owners to perhaps chime in.. glad it made it on here
  22. Ghostkiller made one as well that looked awesome!
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