@MaveRick - I took out my cloning device and started cloning away...i think i cloned myself to stay home and take more pics but I think he's knocked out.
@Arthurius - Some yes, I originally started with the 1st gen YF19, but got tired with its faults and flaws, so I sold most of them and kept 3 I think from the original. Variants, Yes that is a possibility. I was looking for that colored MacPlus Book for references since it had quiet a few. We'll see this summer.
@Alain - Pastilan inita dire karon, naa ko sa New Orleans...mura man yatig pilipinas.. pastilan gayud.
@Ghost - thanks..i think all of the YF19 w/the exception of one in gerwalk mode are all 2gens with the FP bundle, I was too lazy to put them on.
@505thAirborne - I do have the G.I. Joe USS aircraft carrier, but when I move to a new place, wifey says I can have a Macross Room of my own - just in case if i get in trouble I won't have to sleep in the couch, but in the Macross Room with my beloved valks surrounding me...lol
@Vegas - Sana may bago akong Camera ka gaya mo tol'. Para mukhang professional naman sana ang mga pictures ko.. (leaning on that D90 kit on ebay w/ other necessities)
Anyone have any suggestions on any Toy stores carrying Macross stuff in New Orleans? Wife's at a conference this week, tagged along for the scenery.