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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I wish I could have gone =( maybe next year i guess
  2. definitely gives a cannon fodder scheme
  3. mine folds all the way back............JK in my squadrons of YF19 i can only do it with the 1/72 scale valks... i think
  4. <l~~~ kicker with a suspenseful look on whats to come.. hehehehe
  5. wow i'm surprised that a lot of the members here have a great network and are involved in many things and other organization.. feels like a group that can cause a big effect on the anime/toy world..=)
  6. Dammit.. chicago needs to do a Mac Con or gathering!!!!
  7. someone bring a laptop and usb for a camera so whoever has their camera can bring us hourly update for those who are out of state, pretty please
  8. that's what i'm saying!!!!
  9. Roger that.. i guess its a go then...
  10. yep two shades...
  11. I'm close on picking up the Gamlin, but with all the QC issues I might just wait. Opinions?
  12. I'm in love with this picture
  13. MG Paris Act Version 3.0
  14. Long live the 1/48!!! then the VR 1/60 came out.. duno like you i'm just gonna get the dual seaters... get someone to do a custom roy low viz (is that even really a low viz???)
  15. that is an awesome job.. well done..
  16. Not sure if I want to click on that one......
  17. Most bottom right.. bwhwhahahahaha.. someone is definitely going to jail for staring at that.. ( and I didn't even have to click on the image to spot that)
  18. Right click save as.. .upper left corner.. and then bookmarking it =T
  19. maybe it was raining..hence he didn't deliver (like newman)
  20. <l~~~ is now a sleazy guy since I indicated she was hot and had a nice body.. (its not like i said i wanted to take her home with me ^,~)
  22. Its the abs..bud.. the abs.. got me.. and those Ahem.. things she was wearing lol..
  23. WOW!!! These images did it for me http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=68965 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=68966 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=68979
  24. picture of what your referring to please .. thank you
  25. wanna see those Th that exo was referring to =)
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