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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. nice.. picked up a few tomahawks..
  2. All this talk about me being cool is pretty cool lol
  3. will do that today when i get home lol
  4. black/darkness rules.. can't wait for the 25th Anniv. project to be finished hehehe
  5. nice.. =) loved the weathering....where can i buy that weathering kit?
  6. I guess i'll wait for the max and miria then get all three VF22s
  7. any updates on these.. i pre-ordered/reserved mine a while ago..
  8. I have yet to pick up any kind of Mac F toys, but if this is built like the Saint Seiya material I will have to pick it up, but if I do i might fold and get the rest of the Mac F toys.. ergh.. Btw the wifey counts the number of valks i have lol
  9. Before.... After.... ........... ....Coming Soon...
  10. From the Shadows I will protect you always..... You can take me to the Moon anytime...
  11. can you imagine my whole 1/48 collection out of their boxes and on full display? lol..
  12. Kicker773

    Latest custom.

    hehehe nice gun show.. post the pics on the MG page =)
  13. cool i'm in the process of picking up two detolfs just to try that out.. i might take the bottom pieces and upper wood pieces to home depot to have it cut and while i'm there get the necessary parts to keep them together.
  14. is there a definite on the red version of that? If there is I'd rather wait.
  15. nice atleast the quarter comes with the valks and the monster
  16. Kicker773

    Latest custom.

    nice as usual Kurt!!! Woot Woot
  17. I know its all in fun, but for some reason i don't feel right looking at that picture.. i dunno why.. i'll skip this thread for a while until it goes back to normal
  18. i think it was 9 or 10 (good guys 5 and bad guys 4 i think total)
  19. they do look a lot taller than skinnier than the Kb toys version.. btw i managed to snag those way back when it was buy one get one free from KB toys
  20. If its either in 1/48 or 1/60 scale I"d pick them up. The 1/48 i would definitely pick a few up... 1/60 maybe a couple..
  21. Where vegas? ... Going to vegas this weekend for a bachelor party... plus it will get my mind off my loss last week.. sigh..
  22. I'll volunteer for next year barring any issues and will bring some customs for display as well.. never before seen that is =) I think the wife will be ok with it.. she can go around shopping while she drops my geek butt to the CON. She kinda felt bad that I couldn't go this year. I just hope the CON doesn't fall on our reception if things go as planned.
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