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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. maybe it is Wicked Ace's.. hmmm my mistake if it is.. i thought it was..
  2. As far as the shutter speed control its still saying Lo when i'm in Aperture mode, does it only increase or be adjusted in a different mode? like S shutter?
  3. Ghostkillers poses: Awesome!!
  4. So I had it on 200 ISO with F3.5 and messed around with the metering. Auto with no tripod: Manual with Eugi's settings and no tripod:
  5. No reply yet from overdrive.. =( my deposit =( =(
  6. my mac history and memory might be a bit off since i haven't watched it in a while (although Mac Plus was on Sci-Fi HD last night), the VF11C only appeared once or never on Mac Plus? But did appear in Mac7.. anywhere else?
  7. How about squadrons.. lol.. i'll go through my pics of members with flexi i know there was one that caught my eye .. i think it was Ghost's VF1S poses with the flex.. I nominate his as soon as i find it when i get home.
  8. Sorry i made a boo boo..i think i might have edited it..
  9. nice.. lets dumb it down a bit.. lol =T let me catch up to the lingo.. anyways i tried Eugimon's style by adjusting the ISO and Exposure.. still trying to figure out how to adjust the shutter and what button..lol.. yeah reading is taking forever so i might just watch the d90 vid i dl or check you tube. I'll post the pic of the the one i took without a tripod though.. i will try to find time this week to mess around with it more..
  10. I'll try that.. but i was so worried not to mess with the lens too much and to make sure that i don't start turning it when it was in auto mode.. (it did say in the manual that if i turned the lens during auto it can damage the lens or the camera) I think I will join a flickr group for d90 in chicago.. i hear they have meets and stuff.. i gotta get some directions..lol.. i'm such a newb =(
  11. damn thats a lot of lingo i need to learn still.. here is the ones i took with of the VF1S 25th VF1S Eye See You!!
  12. I love it!! thank you for the feedback i actually took the picture in my room with little space for anything due to Mac toys everywhere. I will use a tripod next time. I haven't really learned to use the ISO or adjust it (still reading the D90 book by J. Dennis Thomas on page 60 Chap 2). Still learning on the shutter speed and spot/metered. Thank you so much Lynx I will keep reading and thank you for your feedback I will work in getting a better background =) this place is awesome!!
  13. I take it back.. i kidnapped a Yamato employee and demanded he sell me a Limited Edition Online only exclusive FP that only is available through a lottery, so I can sport it then sell it for 2k =P... Boom Chicka Chicka Chicka...BOOM..=)
  14. Excuse the pics =T 25th VF1S Eye See You!! 25th YF19
  15. For you Dante: Excuse the pics.. still learning..
  16. So lets just say if i wanted one of these.. where the hell am i suppose to order it from? Another person who will mark it up another 500-1k? Or will Yamato make it available to be ordered by international Otakus?
  17. phack.. so the picture is there then when i load it to the comp.. I love you guys!! Big help man.. hehehe i'm such a newbie...
  18. I haven't forgotten about it.. working on how to take a picture manually.. it seems when i do nothing on the LCD shows up (just pitch black). Plus trying to find good lighting and a backdrop for some customs.
  19. If your unloading your 1/48 Lmk...i'll rather take them and use all my custom decals for them.. =)
  20. wife wanted me to get the nikon something which was a point and shoot.. then she went and told me to get the d60, but that ain't going to happen. It took a while and some major saving here and there and not look or buy more mac toys for a bit. I know some of you know how i dragged in getting one (vegas and maverick), so now that i have one...believe me its worth the investment (in my case wait). =)
  21. no i think he owns the salon that took care of Ishtar's new appearance.. should have kept her hair long though
  22. <~ dude's got a new cam... will be taking more pics of the fleet soon.. actually thanks to andy just added another squad
  23. damn even if i picked up more patients and actually managed to save up for that thing.. I still wouldn't feel comfortable about it.. i mean thats like a 24mp Camera price..or equivalent to a trip for that matter..ergh.. just feel disgusted. I supported yamato by buying multiples of almost everything they produced even the flawed valks with QC issues....close to drawing the line..
  24. <--- Scratches head
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