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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I was wondering what that small box was with both of my kakizakis..ahem.. ben dixon
  2. nope its bigger 1/35!!
  3. Max flight suit never came out. The line ended with the Lmtd Edition Hikaru light up flight suit version. Falcon 1 created a max flight suit using a max jumpsuit and a hikaru flight suit. That is the only way you can make your own Max flight suit =) More info here: Falcon 1's Custom steps in changing heads lol
  4. I guess i'll be happy for this for now:
  5. D90 with 18-105 lens kit
  6. Yes your tutorial was very helpful. I did however didn't have to drill or anything.. just swapped the heads =) Now if I can find a Roy and Kakizaki it would be complete next to Minmay!
  7. I'm so gonna get banned for this....ergh
  8. I think i need a different lens for close ups..
  9. Crap... Here is another try
  10. are those screen caps from the remastered version? my god they are so clear
  11. This pic isn't worthy of this thread... i took that pic with low ISO setting with no tripod...i should try again with a tripod and maybe manipulate the settings more..
  12. As promised....
  13. PM'ed ...what's the difference between the DL and the regular dvds?
  14. my copy on the way.. both UF and AF. Haven't played any of them yet..
  15. Pre-ordered that one already =)
  16. Man i still have that kit and the decals exactly made by g-system for that thing .. glad i kept it
  17. What episode is everybody on? I'm gonna do a marathon this sunday, but trying to find a better version since the ones i have are not that of good quality
  18. I'm glad i found this thread.. so what's gong on? Are the remastered available somewhere or is someone still making corrections and adjustments? Are these going to be for sale? or DL? If so can someone host them on rapidshare =) lol please keep me in the loop. Not a media editor guru since there is a lot of lingo and numbers going around on the thread. I just want to rewatch Mac7 again since the original ones were to painful to my eyes. thanks Kicker773
  19. I thought i uploaded them but the after pics are still at home.. at work at the moment and i thought i had them uploaded already.. no worries when i get home they will be up
  20. Go for the 1/48 man..
  21. a whole bunch of Angelbirds coming in to land =)
  22. Will take a pics of some exclusives later =)
  23. picked up the max for now for a really good price.. looking for a miria version for a really good price =)
  24. I really think this might be my first Mac F toy that I will be purchasing.. and might be the only Mac F toy at all just to complete the SDF line =)
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