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Everything posted by Kicker773

  1. I don’t know. It just didn’t make me want to get off my butt and hit the preorder button. I’m sure they are trying to hype it up with the limited release. Based on the video they incorporated the mark VI arm weapons (Mark 6 has the blue lights on the forearms). Still looks like the Mark 6 but with different chest plate. Then again that’s just my opinion. Almost picked up the neo tech line up but held back. Only reason was War machine Mark 1, since the original version was gonna cost an arm and a leg. BUT rectified that problem last week when I picked up the “Ex-wife”. Crossing fingers they don’t announce it’s being reissued then Imma be so pissed. So not feeling like spending $$ for an unpainted Mark iV that’s lighter than the one I have. They could have atleast had a light up base but I see how they want to keep it consistent with the current neo line up. Still have a long way to go: Ms. Marvel, Ant-Man, Wasp, War Machine (End Game), Iron Patriot 1, Iron Man Mark I Pre-ordered: Gamora (if she ever gets released), BW, Ronin 2x, Rocket V3, Iron Patriot Mark2, Hulk End Game, Cap Marvel, Capt Am End Game, Mark 85, Mark 85 Battle Damaged, Thanos Battle Damaged, Nebula, Thor End Game, Cap Am 2012, Loki 2012 Finally got Fury WS version. Haven’t opened Thanos End Game yet. Still trying to find room for him. Tomorrow I install Hulkbuster’s left arm. Then I go back to Macross Premium, DX and Delta. Crap.
  2. LoL I haven’t jumped back on the Macross wagon yet but to keep it on topic knock on wood I have not had any issues with my valks.
  3. This is cool
  4. It’s not that bad. I have two regular with their sound force attachments And one gold coated unopened. Well to each his own. Let’s stay on topic.
  5. Yeah I know. I haven’t gotten anything Macross other than the premium od Armored Thanos arrives tomorrow, supposedly Hawkeye and deluxe Hawkeye with BW is scheduled for August. Debating if I should pick up Cap Marvel, War Machine 005, and the newest Antman
  6. You can if it’s the model version or have the city elevated
  7. miss your decals man
  8. Just when I finally got this guy a renewal comes out. It’s ok just preordered that one and slap the Ragnarok head on it. Used a generic head to go under the helmet to save the original one. Next months gonna be a busy month...Ronin both versions and BW. Debating to get Antman. Preordered Rocket. I think I’m gonna wait until all the Endgame figs are together before opening any. But dammit my Thanos is already paid off and still hasn’t shipped.
  9. Kicker773

    Macross figures

    Specifically which one?
  10. Nice. Where is he located?
  11. Kicker773

    Macross figures

    Thanks fellas
  12. Kicker773

    Macross figures

    Gotta love multiples of CMs to make your own styles. I apologize for the old pics. Been busy staying healthy to go into the Mac room and bust them all out again to take new pics. the series.. others.. Sivil.. extras..unopened series
  13. - Finally glad I waited for Ms Marvel End game version. - debating letting the mark 3 1/4 go for WM Mark 1 - caved in and got Loki Rag Version
  14. I will. Not gonna lie I haven’t been in the Macross room in months maybe even a year. Been busy with Hot toys Stuff. But now that a lot of things are delayed might be able to switch gears and look for extras stuff that people were asking for sale. The release of the First Strike Scout marker didn’t help either with my time management.
  15. I had a few extra weathered FP but used it for the other weathered Yamato releases that didn’t have a weathered FP.
  16. Not at the moment.
  17. Gonna say this for everything that is due to be released in the near future... in the words of Aurelio: “Alright, it will be ready, Christmas 2030..”
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