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Everything posted by Steve68

  1. No it's the package size thing. If the three dimensions of the package add up to be over some arbitrary number then the package is automatically labeled as "oversize". Oversize packages seem to get hit with a huge sir charge. Steve
  2. Wow, check this out. It's 1/350 scale Yamato!!!!! It's just shy of 30 inches long. Wow! http://www.hlj.com/showreports/ths06/sci/index4.html Steve
  3. Have you tried to polish it out? Try some good old fashioned Crest toothpaste and finish it off with some Tamiya polishing compound and then dip it in Future. It looks pretty thin though so I would be careful. Steve
  4. Is there any chance that better subtitles are available for Macross Zero? Thanks, Steve
  5. Here is a direct comparison between the FX and Bandai dvd's that Hurin did. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13642 I've never seen that dvd that you linked to so I can't comment on the video quality, but it says letterbox format on the back of the dvd case. Steve
  6. Next Gundam noob question, can anyone tell me are these Gunze Colors and if so which ones specifically? Thanks, Steve [attachmentid=37433]
  7. Is brush the same as glue? Steve
  8. I recently bought the 1/60 P.G. Strike Gundam. Can someone help me with the symbols in the construction manual? What do these symbols mean? Thanks, Steve[attachmentid=37414]
  9. Have you seen the Macross Zero episodes on YouTube? The subtitles are pretty good. In fact compared to what's on my dvd they are a masterwork. I'd like to get ahold of those. Steve
  10. I forgot I posted this question. It ends up the first encounter with her is a draw and she retreats for another day. It took me like 20 tries to figure it out. Now I'm stuck on another level. It's the mission right after you rescue the hosteges from Granite city where you first meet the sniper guys. My one complaint of the game is that almost none of the missions do you get help. It's like you have the only Valkyrie left on Earth. Other than that it's pretty cool. The PS2 games will be a mixed blessing. While graphically the certainly kick ass, I don't relish the thought of having someone bark orders at me in Japanese and I won't know that they are saying. Steve
  11. I noticed that the 1/500 Yamato is listed as a November restock on HLJ, but the shipping is more than the kit itself. I don't get that because I orderd 5 kits from HLJ a few weeks ago and their total weight was more than twice that of the Yamato and the shipping was less. I'm hoping it's a typo on their site. Steve
  12. I have a pretty badly subtitled version of Macross Zero. I got a bootleg off of ebay, before I had read this thread. Is there a way to replace the subtitles the same way as the DYRL fx dvd? Steve
  13. Wow 40 hours for 2% The final nail in the coffin for a project like that for me would be the fact that the dvd plays really well on a region free dvd player. I don't think I have ever watched a dvd on my computer. Steve
  14. Does anyone have both the AC DYRL dvd and the FX DYRL dvd that can tell me a difference? Are the menu's the same, etc.? Just anything that would tell me if my "FX" disc is real or not? I read your comparison Hurin but I guess I've been spoiled by sub $20 dvd's in the US and still have a difficult time spending $80 on a single dvd. Ouch. Thanks, Steve
  15. This is the thread I was talking about. The first post by Zinjo he mentions a HK bootleg of the FX dvd versus the real FX dvd. He mentions this "but they are the run of the mill HK bootlegs, so if you get one don't expect the FX versions quality." Just to be clear I was talking about the DYRL Perfect Edition FX dvd. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20500 As I understand it the FX dvd is a rip of this dvd: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13642 If the HK bootleg FX dvd is just a straight copy of the FX dvd then I don't think there should be a difference in quality between them. It's all just 1's and 0's and not like a xerox. Steve
  16. I bought a copy of the DYRL Fx DVD on ebay, but it wasn't from Sundevil. I read in another thread that there are a bunch of HK bootlegs of the FX DVD being sold. So how do I tell if I have a real FX or a bootleg? I searched the Newbie FAQ thread, but found nothing on this. Thanks, Steve
  17. Yes, I know I'm lame, but I can't seem to win the third mission on the first chapter. It seems like I can't even put a dent in the Zentradi Ace's health. Any hints for beating her? Thanks, Steve
  18. Does anyone have any information on the Space Cruiser Yamato from Starblazers that is shown at this hobby show? http://happy.ap.teacup.com/applet/runchickens/archive?b=190 The picture is a little less than half way down the page. Thanks, Steve
  19. Soapbox mode on: So why did they change the aiming convention in this game? Aiming in every single game I have on xbox or xbox360 has used the right thumbstick to aim and the left thumbstick for movement. In Battlecry they are reversed!?!?!?!?! wtf! Soapbox mode off: Can you change the thumbstick assignments? Thanks, Steve
  20. Oh Elintseeker buildup where did you go? Any more progress on the last few buildups? Thanks, Steve
  21. I got my copy of Battlecry in the mail last night off of ebay. I didn't get a chance to play it though. I'm still hoping that the PS3 launch causes a surpluss of PS2's so I can pick one up for cheap along with DYRL and ACE2. Steve
  22. Mechleader, Forgive my noobness, but what is E2046? Thanks, Steve
  23. I'm looking for this one. Does anyone have it? Thanks, Steve[attachmentid=37209]
  24. Not to hijack my own thread, but has everyone seen this? http://www.g-system-shop.com/cp-zlk/160_1-...20Cruiser/1.htm They also sell the 1/48 Vf-1S Club-M recast, but it's way expensive at $370. I know it has the metal gear, but I think you can get one with plastic gear from Hobbyfan for $100 off that easy. I saw the group buy from last year. That would be fun. Steve
  25. Has Bandai ever re-released the old Imai 1/72 Regult? If so when was the last release? I've got my fingers crossed that it will happen again next year for the 25th anniversary. Steve
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