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Everything posted by Steve68

  1. Yeah I don't see the live action working out so well, but I think a 90 minute episode would do well on the big screen. I would imagine the budget would be small and the profits HUGE! Witness SpongeBob SquarePants movie. Steve
  2. Just watched episode 17 "20 to Midnight." Galactic Inquisitor: IGNORE ME!
  3. Here are 598 pics from the Shizuoka Hobby Show. This was posted earlier today at hyperscale.com http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_show_album/j...a2008/index.htm These are the only Macross pics. http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_show_album/j...ka2008/0457.htm http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_show_album/j...ka2008/0458.htm Steve
  4. Towards the end of the Amazing Mr. Brisby episode where Dr. Venture keeps falling and Brock keeps saving him and finally shoots a spike/nail through his wrist to pin him to the wall. Also at the beginning of that same episode when Hank and Dean think they are in Africa and Hank is spouting facts about the elephant. Dean: Check out the fifth leg on that thing Hank: It's called a trunk Dean: It's called your a spaz and that's not what I'm talking about
  5. I like the episode where Brock's License to Kill expires and Monarch has Dr. Girlfriend seduce Dr. Venture. Hank or Dean says "Dad there's a girl at the door with a really deep voice". Pretty funny as I think that's the only time anyone mentions Dr. Girlfriends voice in any episode. The show is completely hilarious.
  6. There are too many priceless quotes from the Venture Bros. The writing on the show is brilliant! I have both seasons on DVD and I can't wait for season 3.
  7. Does Army of Two support 2 players via split screen on one 360? Or do I need 2 systems linked? I can't seem to get split screen co-op to work in campaign mode even with two controllers connected. I get a message that says 2 players need to be logged in. Steve Never mind I figured it out.
  8. Are there going to be any 2nd party Rock Band guitars for the 360 released anytime soon?
  9. I don't remember what the price was when it was originally released, but the Minmay Guard seems a little out of line in price compared to the VE-1. Especially when you consider what's in the box. Steve
  10. I can't remember the exact words off hand, but at the beginning of the movie there is a little background given about replicants and how they came about. Prior to some point replicants were in fact legal on Earth, but after some murders were made illegal. I would imagine at that point the VK test came out to help the blade runners find and "retire" the replicants that were still on earth. As for the the unicorn dream, I prefer to think about that scene in its original context (on the cutting room floor) which is where it belongs. It wasn't in the original US theatrical release and it shouldn't have been in the rerelease in the 90's either. Again Ridley Scott trying to force his 'wouldn't it be cool if Deckard was a replicant' crap on everyone. I'm getting pretty sick of directors recreating their films with little additions like that. Han Solo's head bob, Greedo shooting first in Star Wars, all the FBI agents guns being replaced by walkie talkies in E.T. WTF?!?!?
  11. I think Gaff's unicorn has a couple of meanings. The obvious one that Gaff had been to Deckard's place and the second more subtle that Rachel is the unicorn, meaning a mythical beast. Remember only Deckard and Tyrell knew of Rachael's incept date and she would live well beyond a normal replicant's 4 year life span. Gaff didn't know of this and so the unicorn was meant to represent something that Deckard could never have. I had always thought that Gaff was a former blade runner, that was injured (he uses a cane) and is now a desk jockey. It sort of gives you a little more sympathy towards him. Having Deckard be a replicant leaves way too many plot holes. One is his normal human abilities. No super strength or anything. Second, how would/could he have been a blade runner and nobody (as in other blade runners) ever found out that he was a replicant?
  12. Yeah, Ridley Scott is the only one that thinks Deckard is a replicant and certainly nothing about his character would suggest he is anything but a regular human. No super abilities etc. I've got the 5 disc HD-DVD set and it is indeed incredible looking, but as Duke said Deckard being a replicant undermines the entire sub plot.
  13. Put me down for a VF-11 Fighter kit.
  14. Valk009, Do you think there will be a Fighter mode VF-11 after this one is finished? Steve
  15. I'm pretty sure the Platz Mave is going to be re-released. I emailed Platz a while back and they said that they were going to be re-released.
  16. Just pre-ordered the 1/100 Bandai Mave. Take that yahoo japan! I might order the Platz Mave as well, but I already have a recast. It would be interesting to compare the two and I could always sell of the recast.
  17. Hold the phone, you're making a VF-11 fighter? If so I'm in. Steve
  18. What kind of price does the 1/38 Mave command? I've never seen one on Yahoo Japan.
  19. I wish someone would do a limited recast
  20. What is the learning curve like on these? I haven't played any of them, but I must admit that I am intrigued. I saw some kids at Fry's playing GH2 a while back, but I noticed that only 1 of them was any good. Is it really that hard to pick up?
  21. Has anyone read the novels based on the Halo series? I think there are 5 books. You can buy 3 in a boxed set and the the 2 others are separate. If anyone has read these what order should they be read? Boxed set first or one of the others? Thanks, Steve
  22. I don't know about the cheapest place, but I picked the HD version up tonight at Target for $29. Unfortunately the wife has to get up at 3am to go into work so I can't really 'appreciate' the audio portion until this weekend.
  23. Yeah I have that drawing from Platz. It's too bad the entire show was only 5 episodes. I have a feeling that a ton of stuff was left out from the book.
  24. I've had mine since 2nd week of December 2005 and it's never had a problem yet. There can be only 3.
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