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Everything posted by Steve68

  1. Looks like he wont have any problem putting down some donuts. He looks like a swollen version of his former self.
  2. I thought Valk009 was going to cast one. I guess that plan was put on hold.
  3. HLJ's review of Hasegawa's new releases from the Shizuoka Hobby Show. Notice the comment about the 1/48 YF-19. "Launching Hasegawa's new 1/48 Macross series will be this YF-19!" Not sure if Scott from HLJ got some insider information but the word "series" typically implies more than 1. I'm guessing that Hasegawa will eventually scale up all of their 1/72 Macross stuff to 1/48. Probably more of a way to thumb their noses at Bandai with the side benefit of raking in the cash. http://www.hlj.com/shs09hsghigh.html
  4. Wasn't there supposed to be some footage that was shown on the Cartoon Network website before "The Family that Slays Together Stays Together"? It was something like 2 minutes maybe less. I watched "...Stays Together" pt 1 and 2 and didn't see the footage. Or maybe it was there and I just don't remember how it was aired originally. Is the footage there and I'm just remembering it wrong? Thanks, Steve
  5. I somehow completely missed episode 39 "The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together Part 2". I'll have to wait for my pre-order to ship. Any word on when Season 4 starts?
  6. Season 3 available for pre-order at Amazon. Supposedly shipping tomorrow.
  7. If I'm not mistaken Palpatine uses JarJar to get the nomination for "emergency powers" or what ever it was in the second film so he can create the Republic Army. I think that makes JarJar a pretty pivotal character in spite of his lack of screen time. Seriously JarJar was a sell out by Lucas who has completely lost touch with his fans and reality. The guy lives in something like a 30,000 sq-ft home on Skywalker ranch. I'd say he's almost gone Howard Hughes. Name one cute cudley creature from ANH or ESB. There aren't any. Then the dreaded ewoks show up in ROTJ. ugh ANH and ESB were written for a more adult fan base, and then we get this ROTJ cr@p obviously targeting a very young audience. WTF? Seriously it was marketing genius on his part as he made tons of money off toy royalties. Unfortunately for the adult fans it meant the movies turned into an episode of Sesame Street with better special effects. Yawn.
  8. What about an AVP film based around the short story from the first AVP film where they sort of give a 30 second back ground on the predators coming to Earth to use the humans as hosts for the aliens for their right of passage trials. You could let Mel Gibson direct and call it AVPocalypto!
  9. It looks like QOS picks up about an hour after the end of Casino Royale left off. How much refinement was he supposed to get in that hour? Brosnan wasn't believable as Bond because he looked like my grandmother could beat the #$@P out of him. Moore was great in Live and Let Die, but by the time Moonraker rolled around he looked like he needed a walker. Connery was pretty great all the way around. Still there was something about the fact that Connery could kill like 1,000 guys and be all chipper a second later. Craig is a more believable Bond. Also the less gadgetry the better, my god Bronson's Jag in his last film was so completely unrealistic that it just ruined the film.
  10. RainbowTen has a November re-release date for the VF-25 and the price 3600 yen, plus shipping ~1500 yen for SAL. A pretty good price as long as the dollar doesn't tank between now and then Steve
  11. I have one of these for sale in the For Sale & Trade section if anyone is still looking for one. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=27695 Steve
  12. So do you really think that Bandai underestimated the demand for this kit or did places like HLJ and Rainbowten under order? I find it hard to believe that the kit is out of production like the HLJ site says less than a week after it hit the shelves. Steve
  13. I can't find the first 2 minutes of the last episode on the adultswim website that was mentioned at the beginning of the TV episode. Does anyone have a link? Thanks, Steve
  14. Rainbowten does take paypal so I don't have to send them any credit card info at all. Steve
  15. You know Rainbowten has this kit listed at 3600Yen and HLJ is at 4500. Any reason why I shouldn't buy from Rainbowten? I've never ordered from them before. Steve
  16. Any word on getting the old forums back on line so we can see WM Cheng step by step guides? When and if they do I'm saving them all this time. Steve
  17. I'm guessing that if that little support piece isn't in place the entire model folds due to the weakness of the joints. I think I'll build mine as un-transformable and just round file the polycaps. Steve
  18. I guess it's just a product of being transformable, but the pic of it in fighter mode shows something is a-twist. Granted the shot is not perfectly head on but it's pretty close. Look at the back of the engines, the tops of the tails, and the tips of the wings.
  19. Just finished watching this episode. Instant classic.
  20. I'd be a little more excited if they announced a 1/48 scale. I'd kill for a 1/48 Mave.
  21. Unfortunately completed resin kits are even more rare than uncomplete ones. It's seriously a little creepy to think about all the classic resin that has been produced, but never seen. I mean what the hell is happening to it and what is everyone waiting for? I'm beginning to think that nobody builds them they just collect them. Steve
  22. Does anyone have any completed pics of the Hobby Base Rettpu VF-11 fighter and the Club-M VF-11 fighter. I'd like to see the differences. Steve
  23. Valk009, Any updates on the fighter mode? I'm very interested in that one. Steve
  24. Finally got around to watching it on my Tivo this morning. I will have to watch it again as I wasn't able to devote my full attention. Steve This better not end up on You tube! I think Monarch is my new favorite character.
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