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Everything posted by wldr

  1. Seems like a pretty pathetic excuse if you ask me. With all the Macross toys out there you would think they would be able to better than that rather lame excuse.
  2. Personally I think Macross Plus was a very solid sequal. The VF's are cool, and the fight scenes even better. For the overall short length of the series, and the movie version, character development wasn't bad. Good job in my opinion.
  3. Has anyone managed to pick up all the available medals yet? Or perhaps bag all the enemy aces? I haven't gotten them all yet myself, and was wondering if anyone else has.
  4. I don't know what effect it will have, but it is very interesting reading that's for sure.
  5. Well said, and good point Zinjo.
  6. Simply based on appearence, I like the repositioning of the fast packs on that last pic Gebo. Even if it isn't "cannon" it still looks better than the silly, but possably needed place, on the mecha's shoulders. Personally I think it looks a lot better your way at least in Batroid mode.
  7. Good to hear Grebo. Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing your next effort.
  8. I agree it's a cool mecha. Nice work there Grebo.
  9. Good info Zinjo. Big massive fire power ships have allways had problems with swarm tactics, it's one of the reasons why bigger is not allways better when it comes to things like the Cannon.
  10. I've allways liked the VF-5000. Nice work Grebo.
  11. Nicely done. Are you planning on coloring in this one?
  12. Nice pics Gebo. I agree with you, the Meltan one looks cooler than the other one.
  13. Perhaps, but it would still be a very easy to hit target if attacked from multable directions at once.
  14. Very good point Knight26. Militarily speaking, putting that much non-manueverable fire power in one slow moving spot is asking for trouble.
  15. That was what I had thought you did with the lighting. Well done, it looks pretty much how you wanted it if the shadowing was able to be noticed.
  16. That white edge may be on purpose. From the shadowing on the pic, you can tell that the light is coming from the starboard side of the ship. That would cause the leading edge on that side to be brighter with reflected light than the rest. I'd like to hear from MR March though for a confirmation on if the lighting that makes that white edge show up like that was on purpose. Well done in my opinion.
  17. It does take a while to pull in enough credits to buy every plane, but it's worth the effort. Some of the weaker all around planes, that most players don't buy right away, are a lot of fun to fly.
  18. That version might look ok with a few more modifications, but at the moment the wing add ons look out of place. Keep trying Grebo, you might find a good way to make it work.
  19. Even if you are all the way over on the merc side of the ace meter, it shouldn't be to hard getting to soldier fast if you fly like a knight ace for a couple of missions. You just have to be carefull not to "accidentally" blast any yellow targets. Ignoring yellows like that tends to have a drastic affect on your ace style.
  20. Sounds like as good a term as any. New word or not, nicely said.
  21. Agreed, but then I like the Flanker also. It is a good general all around combat plane in the game.
  22. Have you done that on a campaign? I've purchased all the planes, but not all at once. That would meen staying in an F5 for a long time.
  23. We seem to like a lot of the same planes. Good call on that list I Really agree on the Berkut, it's a cool plane.
  24. Good point, and I would agree with your assesment. Trying to make the game harder/more interesting, is the main reason for trying things like that. That being said, have you or anyone else found any x-planes beyond the Morgan and Falken? I know they make missions to easy, but hey, I like to unlock everything.
  25. Great idea for not getting shot at, but that would make that mission extremely easy. What fun would that be? I often select planes that are not designed to be used for a given mission type just to make them harder, like an attack plane for use in the round table missions.
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