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Everything posted by wldr

  1. Good point there about Jack's condition after his Chinese ordeal. I hope the writers do a good job dealing with his recovery from the injuries he was certain to have recieved while he was being held captive. An instant recovery while kind to the character of Jack, doesn't really make a lot of sence. He should take a little time to recover, at least a few minutes anyway!
  2. Nice work Mr. March. You have done an excellent job with your site so far. I will be sure to check it out from time to time to watch it progress!
  3. No, you are not the only one who noticed, and no again you are not crazy!
  4. Yeah, That's how it's supposed to sound.
  5. eight_car Posted Today, 01:25 AM Are there any serious fans of the dub out there? If there are, I failed to notice any. The only advantage I can see for the dub is as a draw for those who don't like reading subtitles.
  6. Good point on the sound effects Hurin. Of all the things that bug me about the dubbed version, that right there is what annoys me the most! To put it bluntly the sound effects suck big time! Some of the voices or the words they put in character's mouthes are bad enough, but that laser sound for the gun pod, arrgh.
  7. All of this assumes that it is actually going to get released. Withh all the delays they probably lost the thing by now.
  8. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly, very cool indeed!
  9. Well put, I've seen several examples of just that example, and some of them were by mistake, not on purpose in order to make a point.
  10. Very well said eugimon, I can't think of a better way to answer the questions!
  11. The second pic's not too bad of a bottom view, but unfortunately it doesn't allow a view of the tail section of the plane. Still it's probably the best we're going to get for now.
  12. I for one would like to see a better image of the planes from the top. I didn't see a good one on the site link, but if anyone comes across one I would like to see it to get a clearer idea of what it looks like in profile.
  13. wldr

    Graham's Sig

    Lets all hope that that is just a joke.
  14. wldr

    Graham's Sig

    My question would be; can it be designed to collapse like it is suposed to without making the gun to fragile? If there are a lot of moving parts on something that size, it adds a lot of little things that could break easily. That would suck if they pulled off making it collapse only to end up with a gun that broke too easy, but hey I would still like to see it done if it's done right.
  15. wldr

    Graham's Sig

    I hope you're right. I would like to see it come out able to stow the gun away where it should when not in hand. As long as it doesn't ruin some other part of the design.
  16. wldr

    Graham's Sig

    If they do the gun the correct size, I would say it probably would be very hard to conceal it in the leg and still have room to do the gear right.
  17. My bad. Great work though. Thanks to Zinjo for pointing out where the credit was due.
  18. That's true Sketchley, but that doesn't meen that I have to do it. I didn't say I was against it because changes to the original made me feel bad. I said it because I think making too many changes to the Macross universe could cause problems. If you change the wrong things, it would be the same as playing an RPG of StarWars where you take the Empire completely out of the time line, if you know what I meen.
  19. Nice one Zinjo. I like.
  20. Due to the fact that I am not a big fan of changes to the Macross time line of events, I tend to like a game's time line to take place after space war one, or in a setting that allows more freedom to the GM to create a unique story. This allows the PCs to play a focal role in the completion of the major events without stepping on the toes of the characters that were developed in the original Macross time lines. This I think gives the players more of a sence of pride when they finally manage to come out on top in the end, or get blasted into space dust to the detrement of all those depending on them.
  21. Let's hope that BW is reading these, because I for one would love to see something new. If they are watching threads like this, then the more of us that post positively, the better the chance that we will see something come out from them in 2007, I would think that the vast majority of posters would love to see it happen, so lets hear it for a new release.
  22. Ishimaru Posted Nov 28 2006, 10:59 PM [They didn't ask for trouble when the cannon was distant, they expected to fire it from a distance hoping to take out all enemy casualties without any heavy losses but it failed. They though that a ton of firepower with the loss of maneuverability would gain easy victory without any heavy losses to men, but it never worked due to the large amount of overwhelming enemy forces. Think about it, would you rather have victory easily and not lose any men, or be desperate and try to round up all your resources evenly hoping that you can outdo the enemy. Correct me if I'm wrong.] Maybe that would work if you could count on your enemies to line up for you at a nice safe distence, but in most cases bad guys don't useually cooperate for you like that. I think expecting your opponents to be stupid is in itself stupid. Trying to outdo the enemy is what battle is all about one way or the other. If you suceed you win, if you fail you lose. No plan is ever perfect, but I think everyone's heard the old expression, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." If you fail to follow that old advice, when something goes wrong you're all done. No more second chances, Done!
  23. If another love triangle is in the cards, why not have a different outcome. Like all three ending up together. A menage a trois, now that would make things interesting.
  24. Good point SpaceyAce, and well said as well. The love story angle is good for character development, but I agree that a new angle from the now "typical" love triangle is needed to change things up a bit. Also I believe you may be right that if it's done right it might drawn in more fans, and that can't possably be anything but good for Macross.
  25. Looks like a pretty sweet toy. I like the articulation on it.
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