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Everything posted by wldr

  1. No problem Zinjo, it's always nice to have someone find the correct info.
  2. I second that responce. That particular version is just plain ugly!!!
  3. j Why? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, despite what some might say.
  4. I would add one more choice to your list. 4th choice VF-11 doing something more than being strict cannon fodder in Mac 7 or the limited use in Mac plus.
  5. Major comes between Captain and Lieutenant Colonel.
  6. The next question to ask is where did the info about Morris' little brother being injured originate from? Is Milo, the guy that first brought it up, bad or did he get the info from a bad source. Niether one would surprise me over much.
  7. His name is Hikaru Ichijo.
  8. Now this is very promising news to see. I look forward to any new anime that comes out in the name of Macross. The more new content the better, but I will take whatever new material I can get.
  9. $210! That sucks. What did you do to offend the cop? Next time you will have to avoid running over the cop's foot in your rush to get another new pilot.
  10. It is begining to look like at least Jack's father is not a total bad guy after this last episode. It does look like brother Graham is in for a very rough time coming up. The preview very clearly showed us that Jack is going to get his "less than gentle" hands on his brother again, and that should be interesting. After all, Jack does have a reputation for brutality where the bad guys are concerned!
  11. I think that this single point is something that must be kept very firmly in mind when one is comparing the two. The main thing that I like better about the Hasegawa version is the much more sleek appearence it has, but this is allowed in that version because it doesn't have to transform. For a transformable toy, I think Yamato did a pretty good job considering how difficult this one was to make. This is also a very good point. This Mecha is very slender and in some ways even, dare I say, spindlely especially in battroid mode. If the wings were made as long as in the line art, I think this would make the toy a little too fragile. This is why I think the shorter wings were a very purposefull compromise to add to the overall strength of a potentially very fragile toy.
  12. I would say that that sums it up pretty well. The main part that reminds me of the hornet is the shape and placement of the wings. The intakes along with the overall layout of the fuselage is definitely soviet in orgin. I would say it looks closer to that of a SU-27 / "flanker" than the MIG-29, with a few touches from later model SU's thrown in.
  13. I finally managed to acquire all of the medals in the game. I am still a little short on bagging all of the enemy aces. At last count I am missing fifteen in order to fill out the assault records. I have bagged every one of them that I have run into, but apparently these last ones have eluded me well enough to not end up in my crosshairs. Nobody is perfect, I guess I will just have to keep hunting on occation until I get them all.
  14. I would like to add that anyone who believed that how things get accomplished in a video game is how it would work in the "real" world needs to pay attention to the basic rules of both physics and attrition. First the armament nesasary to wipe out that many enemies, as you said, would be impossible to carry all at once on a single craft. Second, no matter how good the pilot, eventually he/she will get worn down by numbers and defeated without the support of others, or at least some very serious down time. Seriously though, down time or not, dead meat without help.
  15. It could well be that he is really Jack's son, that blond hair of his didn't come from his mom or his "dad", unless he got the resessive gene from both sides. What's that a 1 in 4 chance? Was the little snipet at the end enough to confirm Jack's father as a bad guy or is there something else out there that I missed?
  16. It most definitely was a morale booster effort. They were trying to do anything they could think of to distract the general populous from the war going on around them, for at least an hour or two anyway. Having the newly crowned Miss Macross star in it was sure to draw in some attention from those on board the ship.
  17. I would tend to agree on the possability of Jack having to take down our terrorist-turned-good-guy. Every season has at least a few good guys who go bad or bad guys who turn out to be good, so I doubt this season will be any different on that score. I think it is way to early to place anyone firmly on the good or bad lists yet, because there is still a lot of time for a few nice plot twists to change things up to a fare thee well. The only one that can be firmly counted as a confirmed good guy is probably just Jack himself, and after shooting Curtis in the throat like he had to, Jack probably questions that himself right now. It sucks that he had to do it, but Curtis left him no real alternative, and he should have known that if backed into a corner that Jack will always pull the trigger if he feels he must. Curtis had to know that as slimy as this guy had been in the past, that at the moment he was way to valuable in the current crisis for Jack to allow him to be killed. A sad ending for a decent character there.
  18. I stand corrected. Nice catch on the right character, I got my Star Trek characters mixed up.
  19. Did anyone else notice that the terrorist leader that Jack saved is the weapons officer from Star Trek Enterprise?
  20. If they had done that the Earth forces may well have then attacked them, on purpose this time, and started space war I anyway. And if I am not mistaken, the humans were not immediately identified as the protoculture. In that case those orders would be meeningless until that discovery was made, would they not?
  21. That is true, but if the Macross' cannon did not fire, I don't think the Zentrdi would have left the humans on earth in peace. After all they had no concept of peace in there society untill the interacted with the Macross personel. So I don't think anything would have changed if the bobby trap never went off.
  22. I hadn't realy thought about the possability of selling t-shirts aftewards, but hey why not. Anything that makes fun of Kaifun, and or his general self rightous attitude would probably sell. Kaifun seems to enjoy being the center of attention, so he may actually enjoy having a lot of people hate him. He certainly doesn't seem to mind actively trying to anger everyone in a military uniform with his opinion that if one side puts down their weapons, that the other side will just stop attacking, which makes absolutely no sence given how the war started in the first place. I think anything points out Kaifun as the hipocrite that he is would be seen as very funny and would sell like hotcakes!
  23. To be perfectly honest, I didn't think they screwed it up on purpose. I was just making a point that with all of the various things that were done wrong, that it would be hard to do a worse job without doing it on purpose. But hey, you never know what other foolish, like Claudia calling Roy a "Rat Bastard", comments might have been left out because they would have been to over the top bad. I don't know though, with all the bad stuff that they did leave in I find it hard to believe that they edited anything stupid out of this thing! It's a real crying shame that the only profesional dub we're likely to ever see was done this poorly!
  24. They could have had one sure way of bringing in the cash, at least from the military on board the ship. All they would have had to do is do an edit of the original film and instead of having "Kaifun fire lasers from his hands", have the new edited version have him being hit with them instead! No doubt after most of the military had seen and heard all of his anti-military ranting, if an edit was promoted with this kind of change, all of them would want to see it again and again just to see him getting blasted instead of being the hero of the film. If I was one of them, I certainly would like seeing him take a good one on the chin even if is was just in a movie.
  25. I rest my case on this sucker. The more people that post to this thread the more convinced I become that ADV could not have done a worse job on this dub if they screwed it up on purpose. Did they?
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