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Everything posted by wldr

  1. Also HG may gripe more over Zero because the design of the Vf0 is much closer to that of the Vf1 that appeared in the original series that they have rights to, then the mecha in plus. If they can complain about their rights being ignored then they probably will.
  2. No! I would have to be bribed fairly heavily to sing with an audience.
  3. I would tend to agree. That's even something I could see coming out of Roy's mouth!
  4. They can't go and make the facility more secure, that would actually make some kind of rational sense! The place has been compramised so many times already, if they were going to address the problem they ought to have done it by now. Besides that would take away one of the writers favorite methods of killing off a CTU agent every season, and we can't have that. I also think that papa Bauer's moves make less and less sense. What does that wacko think he has to gain from this latest diabolical half baked sceam of his? His grandson hates him, so I can't see him ever following in grandad's footsteps and running his stupid company when the old man kicks the bucket. Also, unless the rules have changed, the government has probably initiated actions to sieze his corporate assets for aiding terrorism anyway.
  5. I don't know guys I think the most likely ending to a true threesome between those three would end up with at least one or two of them dead. This is a likely event, and as Captain, Misa could actually pull that one off.
  6. Now that is a funny responce. I don't think it would last though, they would all end up killing each other in a week if not sooner.
  7. Now that is funny.
  8. Heller's comment about Jack's lovers and friends ending up dead is fairly accurate, but blaming him for Audrey's condition is a little bit unfair. I mean really, did Jack ask her to go over to China by herself and try to find a way to get him out? No, and if she had asked his opinion on that, he would have told her not to do it because it was too dangerous! All the people who have been close to Jack and have died, did not end up in a bag because Jack put them in dangerous positions without regard for their safety. His concern for his friends has always been there, it's just that he is a magnet for mayhem and anyone who gets involved with him is rolling the dice, and if they know him at all they ought to know that. I mean really, when was the last time Jack made it through an hour without either being assaulted in some way, or having to assault someone else in order to escape or get his job done? I can't remember, can anyone else?
  9. Both characters, Basara and Gamlin, do plenty of things that can be seen as reckless, however one most also look at the results of their actions. In the end their separate acts of recklessness turned out to be for the best. If they had not folowed their own personal codes and done what they each thought needed doing, the battle as a whole would more than likely ended quite differently. What would have occured if Gamlin hadn't risked getting busted for forcably giving Basara access to his fighter when he was being kept from it for "needed repairs"? If he had not taken that risk, Basara would have more than likely been excluded from that battle all together, and the fight would have gone much worse. Granted, Gamlin did not get into trouble for that action, but I would say that the only reason that he didn't is because of the end results of his actions. That is one of the few things that Basara and Gamlin have in common, the willingness to take personal risks in order to do what they think needs doing regardless of what someone else's opinion might be. Basara is just a bit more obvious about it.
  10. If anyone in that show was going to get sucked into an air intake of a valkrie, it would have to be Mylene's just on the off chance that the absolutely hidious batroid form of that thing would never be seen again. I mean you never know, something as big as a person going threw the intake might destroy it, we could hope at least.
  11. As long as we get a good story with some cool VF that hasn't had much or any good animation of it, I will be happy. If it is totally new I will take it.
  12. I would tend to agree with that sentament. If you skip the variable in the variable fighters, than what is the point. I mean Macross is kind of based around the VF's, and they certainly won't be VF's anymore if you skip the Gerwalk and Battroid modes. That would turn them into nothing more than just another style of fighter plane, which would take away part of what would make a Macross film special. If that happened, it would ruin it for everyone who knows what it should have been, which of course would mean all of us here! Granted! I think the point of making a live action film is not to give us that love anime something better, but to give people with a more limited vision that generally won't watch an animated production, a version of something they have never seen that is better than a lot of the crap they have been seeing on the big screen. A live action film is an opportunity to draw in a larger audience. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don't see a problem with that. Some hard core fans may not want to see Macross as a live action film, but so what. Nothing is ever liked by everyone, there are a fair number of fans that don't like some of the animated macross, can we say Mac7 and Mac2 everyone.
  13. If you read through this thread you will find that the general opinion on the ADV dub is that it sucks. You may just buy the thing and learn to regret it afterwards. There are a few members here that fall into that category.
  14. Thanks Shin! I have a friend that owns a 360 so maybe I will try renting this game and giving it a play tes at his house. The graphics in the screen shots look pretty good, and if the flight engine is as good as you say, I will no doubt find it, at the very least, worth a try.
  15. Sounds very interesting Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0. Is the realism added just apply to the plane's differing in performance, or did they step up the realism for everything else and account for potential pilot blackouts also? I have been looking for another good air combat game, and while I do not currently own a 360, that is not automatically a deterrent if the game really excels.
  16. Looks like a very nice design yellowlightman. I'd wear that!
  17. True, that little story line has been ignored also.
  18. I can understand that. She earned that backhand 6 times over with her attitude.
  19. I love the idea, but could it be done in a movie format that would have an ending that would be acceptable to the non-macross initiated movie goer? That is the biggest problem with doing, at least the first try, in the space war I era. There is so much material and so many characters to work with, that I don't think any movie that wasn't about 8 hours long or longer could get it done without pissing off every true fan out there for leaving out their favorite part of the story. I can hear the complaining now. "But that was the best scene in the whole show and they skipped the whole thing! " If someone has an idea on how this type of thing could be avoided and still make the film, I would love to hear it.
  20. Of course the next question is have they thrown out the part of the story line about Jack's evil father. I know the idea of involving Jack's family struck me as a rather stupid idea, but are they going to clean up the mess, or ignore that whole issue?
  21. Thanks! But I was not the first to mention this. That is just wrong! Stealth was a very stupid movie with more plot holes than a sive! A good joke though, I will give you that.
  22. Yes we all were wrong, and I have to admit that I approved of the way they showed Wayne to be both ballsy and at the same time not a complete idiot, like I originally suspected they were going to do. I am not entirely sure I like the reintroduction of the chinese plot line, but we shall see what they do with it. I just hope that they don't have Jack be dumb enough not to at least try to find out what the chinese got from the president in exchange for his release. In his shoes, I sure would want to know what it was. Especially after that phone call at the end of the last episode.
  23. There is nothing wrong with a macross movie being of any length as long as it will attract more than already dedicated fans to watch it. That has to be the goal of a live action movie, or what is the point? The problem is that I don't think a movie could do the original series justice. DYRL was good I liked it a great deal, but if I had not previously seen the original series in one form or another it would have been much harder to follow the story. This is what any movie has to contend with. They can't put out a movie that only a few potential movie goers will be able to follow what is going on. As much as we would love to argue this point, we as fans are a minority in the larger population of people that go to the movies. This said, I think that if a live action movie was made, that Mac Plus because of it's shorter length and lack of a large number of important characters to develope properly, would be a better choice to start with. If it sells tickets and makes a good profit, than at that point I could see the possability for a prequel to do the original in a series of movies, or even a sequel.
  24. You can say that again, it was a ton better than the last episode that made me rather angry. This one was as I said a lot better. Do you really have to ask? Jack goes on a chinese killing spree of course. He is not going to leave Audrey hanging out to dry. He wouldn't leave anyone out in the cold that he believed was a good guy, so he can't hardly leave her in the hands of the chinese who tortured him.
  25. That would be nice, but I have yet to see one that does. Have you?
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