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Everything posted by eriku

  1. Was that directed at me? I don't care if people don't like the color, I was just surprised to hear it called "baby blue".
  2. People actually think the current Quarter toy is baby blue? I must have gotten a factory mistake.
  3. Looks cool, but I prefer the one we got by far.
  4. It could be interesting, but if they stick a Predator in the film I'm going to stay the hell away from it.
  5. I had fully intended to avoid Mindwipe based on photos, but when I saw him in person I couldn't resist. It's not often a jet Transformer looks this nice and sleek.
  6. He's pretty excellent quality wise. Nothing feels flimsy, everything holds together tightly in both modes, Ratchet shoulders, ratchet hips. The thing's a tank. Speaking of tank, I got Bludgeon right before Mindwipe and while I like him fine he is easily of lesser quality than Mindwipe.
  7. Those who have Mindwipe may have noticed two mysterious red clips on his undercarriage that seem to serve no purpose. Well, Legends Jetfire clips right into them and holds securely. Now I just need Skystalker to complete this monstrosity
  8. I hope the crotch lock holds up over time. On my first-issue 25 Messiah the crotch lock was fine when I got it and transformed it a few times. It was a month or so later that I noticed he had collapsed and that the crotch lock didn't hold at all anymore. I've got high hopes for the 27 because I really want a green one.
  9. I've had 4 or 5 orders with them in the past two months and every time the item has gotten to me in about 3-4 days. I've always loved HLJ and never had a problem with them, but ever since AmiAmi opened their English site with lower prices and easier ordering I've used them exclusively and never looked back.
  10. AmiAmi 17350 after the half-price EMS shipping. Still kinda pricey, but it was less than what I paid for the 11B.
  11. I like that big green guy! I'm a sucker for green mechas though. If it were easier to obtain these I'd probably go hunt one down.
  12. Excellent...mine should be here Monday or Tuesday.
  13. And I believe all of that, ALL of it, was meant to play out as it did for the single reason of giving birth the the name "Peg". So don't worry, Pete, all the angst wasn't your fault. It was just the universe using you as a medium.
  14. Sweet! Although I'm thinking I'll have to drill the holes so they're wider. Why? So Peg has a place to stow his Pocky when he's using both of his hands to read a SUPAHCOOL AWSUM MANGA!
  15. Hey Shin, since you're a Super Mod at TFW and Toyark, you should see to it that all further reporting on Drift refers to him as "Peg".
  16. *sigh* Added to the list. Looks like an amazing figure!
  17. No, he's named Drift. Peg was such a nice name we had to keep it going. Frankly, I prefer it.
  18. I just had an alarming thought. Look at these non-transforming PCC drones, the new line of TF vehicles with pop-out weapons but no bot modes, the upcoming TF Weebles, the RPMs, the big ROTF Devastator toy from last year...it sure seems like Hasbro is trying hard to find ways to take the 'transform' out of Transformers.
  19. So then it makes perfect sense for him to look vaguely Gundamish. Mine's totally going to be brandishing a couple of Pocky sticks for weapons.
  20. The upgrade parts are in a seperate package, so if the seller is including them they should specifically mention it or show it in a photo. If you see a listing that doesn't reference the parts in any way you should probably assume they aren't included. I've got my fingers crossed for CMs to wise up and make the add-on parts available seperately.
  21. That would be interesting. I wonder if they would retain the diecast or make them all plastic like Alternators. I haven't picked up Prime and Megatron yet, but I did go against my instincts and grab a Cliffjumper. He's actually an incredible little toy, and the sculpt doesn't look as doofy to me in person as it does in photos. I've heard a lot of people say they don't like Peg's character. Is he a dick in the comics?
  22. Peg! I have no idea who the hell Drift is either, or Straxus (until reading this thread). Luckily I don't need a character reference to appreciate a toy on its own merits. Not that either of them are particularly phenominal, but Peg at least looks like he fits in the Classics line. Enough negativity! I've already got more on my list this year for TFs than last year. Admittedly the first one on the list isn't even an official TF toy (Knight Morpher Commander) but hey, it works for me.
  23. Which are some of the only things that don't look crappy to me. Doot doot doot!
  24. It looks like a half-baked hodge-podge to me. Even though I didn't like the movie line at least it had a cohesive look and it was obvious where the focus was. The Toyfair lineup with it's mish-mash of several different things makes it look like Hasbro is just shrugging and saying, "We're not sure what to do this year, so here's a bunch of random stuff from an all-night brainstorming session." There doesn't seem to be a main line this year. So even though there might be "something for everyone" here and there, overall it lacks inspiration to me and a lot of the sculpts and designs just look downright bleh. The Power-Core combiners especially look like an idea from six or seven years ago that's been on the back burner ever since. That said, yes, there are a few things I'm very excited about - but I'd rather be excited about an entire line rather than just a few random figures.
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