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Everything posted by eriku

  1. I wouldn't call a new Macross SD line frivolous. I'd call it necessary. I've been craving new Macross SD toys for a long time. I'll be first in line to buy Bandai's upcoming SD VF-25.
  2. My Target too. Fortunately Mindwipe and Skystalker are movie toys. The characters weren't in the movie, but the toys are under the Revenge of the Fallen name and in the same packaging.
  3. Nope, they should be available everywhere. I picked up Mindwipe from Target. Just today I grabbed a Skystalker from my once-in-a-blue-moon trip to WalMart. Also picked up a Brakedown (white sports car) who is surprisingly very, very nice. Anyway, they're still pretty new so you'll probably see them eventually.
  4. Nice find! It's a shame she didn't get a release outside of TRU since she sounds like such a great figure. I'll probably wait for the prices to come down on eBay since I've pretty much resigned myself to never finding her at a TRU.
  5. On the contrary, I've noticed I'm in the vast minority when it comes to disliking the music in the movie. Seems like most TF fans really dig it, which is cool. Aside from my wife I don't think I know any other fans who share my dislike.
  6. G1 was my LIFE between 4th and 6th grade. These days however I can only appreciate the toys. I've tried so hard to get back into the cartoon but I just can't. I even recieved the full Matrix box set for Christmas, which is sort of wasted on me because I have so little desire to watch it. I've only been able to make it through the first disc and even then I was running on the thinnest of nostalgia fumes. There really isn't any Transformers show I enjoy beyond Animated and parts of the original animated movie. The parts when no music is playing.
  7. It doesn't, but you can believe what you like.
  8. Oh gawd, I hate the FLV-X. I hope it never gets made by anyone ever.
  9. DX Macross Quarter Does EX-Gear Alto count? He's got wings...and his suit transforms into a chair.
  10. I agree with the above comments though, I'm disappointed to see the VF-1 and YF-21 as the next offerings. I expect they'll be good toys, but they're hard to get excited about like a VF-17 or VF-171 or, well, anything that hasn't already been made recently. I'd take almost any valk in 1/100 scale, whereas a larger, more expensive Yamato has to be something I really like. Can't see myself buying a Yamato VF-4, but I'd pick up a Hi-Metal one.
  11. Indeed...<looks over at his Hi-Metal VF-19>
  12. This one? http://www.amiami.com/shop/?set=english&am.../e_display.html When I look at the listing it shows as "Sold Out".
  13. AmiAmi is sold out. It's still available at HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00181
  14. There are two versions. One is a kit that you have to assemble and one comes fully assembled. I have the assembled one, which is exactly the same as any other V2 toy except no paint.
  15. Tell me about it. So far I haven't been able to. It's more stubborn than the heatshied was on the 11B I had.
  16. I don't know about "nice", but here's some pictures.
  17. Since you asked so nicely. Didn't have much time to take pics so they're pretty crappy. The 11C is LOVE. It's nowhere near as bright white as the TV Max and unpainted VF-1S. It doesn't come out so well in my photos, but you can kinda see the difference. Only problem I've had so far is not being able to keep the bottom heat shield up. I had no problem at all with that on the 11B. On that toy I just pulled it up and it clicked and stayed, then I would slide the cockpit pod back in and pull the top half down. Nothing seems to be able to get this one to stay up. In any case, I'm very happy with it and I'm glad I got rid of the 11B in favor of this one. I do miss the bayonette, but the 11C gunpod is cool in it's own right.
  18. Yes, it looks like that in some photos, but the one I'm looking at on the desk right in front of me isn't as bright white as the TV Max 1A or the unpainted VF-1S. It is very, very white though.
  19. The first thing I noticed upon opening my 11C this morning is that the white isn't as stark white as it looked to me in photos. I was expecting it to be the same bright white as the 1/60 TV Max and the unpainted VF-1S, but it seems closer to the slight off-white of the regular VF-1S releases. Also big cheers for the clear canopy.
  20. Well, I don't really expect it to be the same price as the VF-19, but I wont be surprised if it is. Years of opening my wallet for Japanese toys has made me typically plan for the worst in terms of pricing. But like I said, I think it should be cheaper than the VF-19. Especially if it's just the bare valk with no fastpacks. Whatever is costs, I look forward to getting one to replace my continually decomposing Toynami 1/100.
  21. So at 14cm it sounds like the Hi-Metal VF-1 will definitely be 1/100 scale. Not that I assumed it wouldn't be, but I was kinda hoping it would be 1/72. At 14cm it's going to be a considerably smaller toy than the VF-19. The smaller size plus the fact that it is yet another VF-1 toy in an increasingly oversaturated market should translate to a lower price tag than the VF-19...although it most likely wont. :/
  22. Well, if anyone finds a way to get the green VF-27 for ~$200, please share. I don't want to be forced to settle for the model kit. >_<
  23. I like the battroid proportions on that 21 a lot more than on either of Yamato's. Hopefully it'll be on par with the excellent Hi-Metal VF-19.
  24. Well that sucks, the green one is the one I want. Tamashii web exclusives make me die inside.
  25. That's cool, I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't throwing grief, just registering my surprise. I guess my eyes just don't see the baby blue.
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