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Everything posted by eriku

  1. eriku

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    We don't yet know anything beyond that paragraph from ANN. I'm assuming it will be because they made a reference to the largest transformable VF-1 being the 1/48. It says VF-1J right in the article that was linked to and posted a few posts up. No photographs were allowed so no pics yet.
  2. eriku

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    Yeah, ANN reported on those as well so I would assume it's true. From the same link: "Even as Macross moves forward, it still has an eye on the past -- here are some of the variable fighter and enemy mecha toys teased in its 1/100-scale Hi-Metal R line: The Super Dimension Fortress Macross/Macross: Do You Remember Love?: Regult (February 2016), VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Hikaru in November, Focker in April 2016), Glaug (May 2016) The Super Dimension Fortress Macross II: Lovers, Again: VF-2SS Valkyrie II (Nexx and Silvie with SAP) Macross Zero: VF-0A Phoenix The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012: VF-4 Lightning III In its larger 1/60-scale DX Chōgōkin line, Bandai will offer: Macross Plus: YF-19 Macross 7: VF-19 Custom Excalibur (Basara Nekki Special)" :::EDIT::: Nevermind the hyperlinks, they're just general links to ANN info pages and not links to the items that were teased.
  3. eriku

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    Scroll down past a few photos on the link and it says, "It also teased (with no photographs allowed) a 1/35-scale DX Chōgōkin VF-1J Valkyrie Battroid that stands 14 inches (36 centimeters) high with light-up sensors and lights. The largest transforming VF-1J fighter toy was "only" 10.4 inches (26 centimeters) high at 1/48-scale."
  4. eriku

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2015-10-29/bandai-teases-giant-26-inch-sdf-1-macross-14-inch-vf-1-valkyrie-toys/.94775 I originally had Dengeki in the post, which was incorrect. Too many windows open at the same time!
  5. eriku

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    I do have a little trepidation over what the price will be, but at least it's Bandai and not Arcadia. If this was Arcadia it would be $1000 minimum. I'm guessing/hoping Bandai will keep this under $300. I'm also hoping that at this larger scale they use ratchet joints.
  6. eriku

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    As per the ANN article, Bandai teased a mammoth 1/35 scale DX Chogokin VF-1J that stands 14 inches (35cm) high in Battroid mode with working lights. What are you guys hoping for with this? I'm hoping it features articulated pilot figures. 1/35 is about the scale of Transformers Masterpiece toys like MP10 Optimus, so theoretically the pilot figures would be around the same size as the MP Spike & Daniel figures. Here's the link to the article: www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2015-10-29/bandai-teases-giant-26-inch-sdf-1-macross-14-inch-vf-1-valkyrie-toys/.94775
  7. eriku

    Bandai DX VF-31

    they totally are. What a tease.
  8. eriku

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Are those VF-1 silhouettes for the 262 Battroid & Gerwalk?
  9. Not a bad price for the Cloud Optimus. If you don't mind how the big panels on the arms look then you should be pleased with the toy, it's pretty great overall. Solid, fun to transform, lots of joints, cleverly desiged weapons. It was also re-released last year in a Toys R Us "Evolution" 2-pack with Evasion Optimus. They're long gone from the stores but on Ebay the 2-pack is cheaper than Cloud Optimus. It's the same toy as Cloud, similar deco and you get a bonus Evasion toy with it. Here's one on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Transformers-Optimus-Prime-Evolution-2-pack-/121787984033?hash=item1c5b2128a1
  10. If you want a nice looking G1 style Prime that is bigger than the two in your photo I recommend Robotmasters Convoy, who is about 5" tall. Another good one is the Classics Deluxe Optimus who is also around 5" tall. Both of those however have alt modes that are about equally as wonky looking as the THS Convoy. The Classics Deluxe also has a spinning feature that is kind of lame. ::EDIT:: For something larger than those to, all of the previously mentioned figures are great, although I don't personally really like the Combiner Wars Optimus figure at all.
  11. Nope, it looks gorgeous to me in both modes. It's the only upcoming MP I'm truly excited about.
  12. The legs on mine have a full range of movement without anything coming off. Also the head laser is totally straight. No issues yet with mine, aside from paint scratches. >_<
  13. I was wondering what scratched my shoulder armor after my first transformation! After I transformed it again I paid more attention to those triangles and it was totally those. As you say, unless you are really careful the triangles scrape right across them. Still loving this toy but the incredibly delicate paint is kind of a bummer. Regardless, it's just gorgeous and the deco looks so good on my shelf o' robots.
  14. Good to know, I'll give it another try.
  15. No magnets, there are two tabs that snap into corresponding holes on the legs. I didn't fold my wings all the way for fear of scratching them. I DID end up scratching the paint on the shoulders just from transforming to battroid and back. There is so little room to work with that the shoulder rubbed against each other and now they're both scratched. Doesn't seem like the paint should scratch that easy, it's like there is no protective coating on it.
  16. Got mine this morning. Thoughts: Tight, tight, tight. Wow. I was trying to swing the arms out the way I remembered from the original but they were not budging so I had to consult the manual. I was doing it right, I just had to really hulk on them. Another super tight area is the back panel, getting them apart to fold for Battroid took a lot of wiggling and coaxing. I’m sure it will all get smoother over time. And the rear landing gear, I don’t see how it’s possible to get them out without a tool. There is only the smallest of tabs to get leverage on with a fingernail and they’re just too tight to do that. Not a biggie, and not the first time I’ve needed to use an ancillary tool on a Macross toy. The heat shield does not look lavender to me. It looks grey. This doesn’t feel like the old toy at all. It feels like we all wanted the original to feel like when we got it. It’s exquisite. The fuel pods (or whatever they are) on the chest are glued on and not removable like the original. I was a bit bummed by this since I prefer Battroid without them. I know they’re accurate to the show but I don’t care for how they look. How can he see past those? Sorry for the crap photos, I couldn't get any setting on my camera to look good with the flourescent tube lights in the ceiling here at work. I'll take some proper photos at home later.
  17. Unfortunately there hasn't been any post-show continuation in comic form or any form. Animated comics is something I'd love to see IDW do. It's still my favorite TF series, and the best/most consistently good toy line.
  18. My 0A has already cleared US customs! Go Shin, go!
  19. Actually Bumper wasn't a yellow Cliffjumper, he was an entirely different car mold along with the different head. Where Cliffjumper was a SD Porsche and Bumblebee was a SD Volkswagen Beetle, Bumper was a SD Mazda Familia. The package said Cliffjumper on it though.
  20. I haven't bothered taking any photos since I know they wont look good with the dim light. Turning it upside down has the reverse effect, the top few inches is lit but everything below is obscured by shadow. It makes a perfect nightlight, which is what mine is currently being used for in my daughter's room. Last night she chose a Totoro, a stuffed duck and a rubber dinosaur to spend the night in her nightlight box.
  21. So, right now I have it on with no other lights on besides my PC monitor. It's still what I would consider to be too dim. The light just doesn't travel very far and whatever you have in the box is obscured by shadow beyond a few inches from the base. My 3 year old daughter is loving it though and having fun putting various things inside and turning the light on and off, so it's not a total waste of money. For anyone else I'd say avoid these entirely - especially at $35. :EDIT; To put this into perspective, the thing is HALF THE PRICE OF A DETOLF shelf.
  22. I was at IKEA today and picked up one of these. The photos are a bit misleading with the light and it's far dimmer than I was expecting. It might be enough light for a simple display box when all the other lights are off or turned low, but for the most part I regret buying it as I don't really have a use for it. It was probably stupid of me in the first place but I was kind of hoping I could use it as a light box to take photos with. It's definitely not going to work for that.
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