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Everything posted by eriku

  1. Hard to form much of an opinion on what has been shown so far, but I like what I see. I'd rather see something like a 17 or 171 (or any number of of other things) in the Hi Metal line, but really I'm just happy to see the line continue at all. Assuming this will be a Hi Metal...
  2. I think this is one of the more enjoyable TF shows so far, although not yet as much fun as Animated was. Overall though it's hard for me to get very interested or care about most TF cartoon series when almost every single one is a reboot/origin story told slightly differently each time - like each series is about the same characters in various parallel dimensions. That's one of the reasons 90% of my attention for Transformers is focused on the toys. Say what you will about the quality of the multiple Star Wars movies, TV shows, comics, books and games - but at least they make an attempt to hold it all together within the same universe and continuity. With Transformers every new cartoon introduces it like it's the first time the story is being told. I guess that's to be expected when the primary objective for the show is being a toy commercial aimed at kids who might not be familiar with Transformers toys. And on that note, I want a TFPrime Bulkhead toy like NOW.
  3. I know what you mean, the Walgreens around here are typically the most abysmal places for TFs. Aside from the Jazz I bought tonight the Walgreens I went to has had exactly one TF toy this whole year: Animated Activators Bandit Lockdown. I have sort of a morbid curiosity wondering just how long that shitty, shitty toy will be there. As for Jazz, I'm really happy with him. He lacks in the paint department, but the transformation is fun, the overall look of both modes is perfect and he's heavily articulated. Feels good to finally have a proper updated Jazz, especially since he was the first deluxe size TF I got when I was a kid. As good as he is though he's only my third favorite Jazz toy, just behind Animated Jazz and HA Movie Jazz.
  4. If you have a Walgreens store around you might want to check for new stuff. I heard Tracks and Jazz were being found at several different Walgreens in my state so I went to one tonight and, lo and behold, there was Jazz.
  5. Have to say I was actually Anyway, it was a great episode and I enjoyed seeing Also, am I the only one who finds Quinlan Vos kind of boring? From what I understand he's a fan favorite but I'm not sure why. He just seems like an average jedi with dreadlocks that acts kind of douchey.
  6. I'm kind of surprised they haven't released/announced a third deco for this toy yet, considering it's one of their most solid releases. As for the 11C, I'm still loving mine after all these months. No problems with it whatsoever. Easily my favorite Yamato release.
  7. Except for the fact that it wouldn't. The colors and arms are only a small part of it. The overall shape and how it fits together are entirely different, as are most of the surface details. Repainting the DYRL SDF-1, putting new arms on it and calling it the TV version is like painting a VF-0 blue, putting a 1J head on it and calling it "Max's VF-1J".
  8. Accurate TV version only please. An altered DYRL version wouldn't be something I would buy. The main reason I prefer the TV version is because of how it looks in cruiser mode with everything fitting together snugly and flush. The DYRL version looks like a big robot laying down to me. So as it stands for me: Current DYRL version: will not buy Altered DYRL version: would not buy Accurate TV version: would definitely buy
  9. So far I prefer the sculpt of the Hi-Metal, especially the whole chest/torso area. The chest on this one looks too gappy and open at the moment. Hopefully that will change.
  10. Wow man, still holding on to that bitterness after 12 years?
  11. I think that would be the perfect excuse to do a Qui-Gon episode (or episode arc). Regardless of how they do it, I would love to see QGJ in the show.
  12. I wonder if those skeleton hands will make it into the production version.
  13. Does ? I know its a silly wish but I'm hoping when the series ends they either find a way to keep Ahsoka alive or make her death ambiguous enough that we can at least pretend she's still alive somewhere. Oddly she's become my favorite Jedi next to Yoda.
  14. Anyone interested in a cheap ($30 shipped in the US) Leader class movie Starscream? I've got the MP version coming in tomorrow so I wont need the Hasbro version anymore.
  15. I really liked this episode. I don't mind a little silliness from time to time. I always enjoy Seth Green's Todo360 droid. I've actually really enjoyed this whole season so far. I don't require constant action and I like the more political and 'boring' bits. Not saying I'd want the entire show to always be like that from now on, but I'm not worried about that happening. The 'splosions will return.
  16. That's Terradive. Awesome sculpt, fun transformation, surprisingly thin alt mode, and one of the most eye-searingly awful color schemes I've ever seen. Every other TF has had relatively sane colors lately, but they went all crazy with this one. As soon as a repaint comes along I'm going to bury this one where it can never be seen again. ::EDIT:: ...says the guy with a pink Konig Monster as his avatar.
  17. My favorite part of Insheeption was the guy making the sound effects. The Coon saga is awesome so far. I want an action figure box set with Cthulhu and the boys in their superhero garb.
  18. That's awesome. Bye-bye Comcast!
  19. That Revoltech skeleton warrior looks amazing. Now excuse me while I go pray to Lord Kaiyodo for more Harryhausen revys!
  20. My wife and I got cable recently just so we could watch Conan. If they end up putting the full episodes online in a timely fasion we'll probably just ditch the cable again. The 95/5 split between reality shows and actual quality programming has proven to be extremely maddening and frustrating to us anyway. Neither of us has had cable since about 2001 or so, so we were a bit surprised at just how pervasive the "reality" stuff has gotten. Sorry for the tangent.
  21. Short but hilarious. "And now, here to perform the first chord on their new album, Steel Train!"
  22. Eh, I'm not into skydiving poses either. I just like my valks to not frobble around and feel all junky when I pick them up.
  23. I'll be tuned in. Or logged on as it were... I read that he's going to have the Masturbating Bear back in his arsenal, regardless of what NBC says. He said he actually wants NBC to sue him for it just so he can bring the Bear into the courtroom and tell the judge, "Your honor, he just can't help himself!"
  24. I assume the chest hasn't been modified and still relies on gravity to stay in place?
  25. That's pretty much exactly what I felt. It was fun, well made and I enjoyed it, but I didn't really find it mind-blowing or thought-provoking.
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