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Everything posted by eriku

  1. That is purrfectly ameowzing. So is anyone here thinking of trying out Mattel's big Voltron with Bad-Touch-Action? I'm feeling pretty deflated about it, especially after that unintentionally hilarious video, but I think I'm going to at least grab the first lion just to see what it's like.
  2. Serious question. Lord of the Rings isn't set in any historical era of Earth, and is entirely fantasy, so it confuses me why anyone would expect anything "realistic" out of it. To me the whole point of fantasy is an escape from reality, where anything is possible. I don't need to see a fantasy realm trying to follow the rules of medieval sword fighting choreography.
  3. Only if he falls in love with Smaug and they have little dragon/hobbit babies. Drobbits!
  4. Damnit man, that's the most perfect response to any and every negative internet post that I've ever seen. I do understand the fan rage though - I had a pretty hefty amount if it when the LOTR films first came out. I was so angry when the Elves showed up at Helms Deep that I think my soul actually left my body for a few seconds. I've since learned that I can lead a much happier life and enjoy movies more by having two separate drawers in my mental filing cabinet, one marked "Books" and one marked "Films". Things can still get to me though. Like if The Hobbit ends in an 'everyone sing and dance!' routine set to a Smashmouth song or something, that would push me over the edge.
  5. I doubt it. The deluxe version is very tiny in alt mode, like scout sized, but in bot mode is taller than Classics Starscream. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-feedback/434771-transformers-prime-deluxe-class-starscream.html I assume it's the same with the Voyager - small alt mode but regular/standard voyager height in bot mode. Voyager Megatron in the DotM line is like that too.
  6. Eh, they look pretty close to how I imagined them. I always hated how they looked and were portrayed in the old Rankin Bass cartoon, like a bunch of bumbling garden gnomes. I think they look more in line with how Dwarves in fantasy novels & games are portrayed, which is a far cry from the ones the general public is familiar with, like the ones in Snow White & the 7 Dwarves.
  7. God, as much as that would pull me out of the movie I almost wish it was Seth Green. He's certainly got the right stature for the part.
  8. I like it a lot. I can understand why 99.9 percent of everyone hates it, but I dig it. It really should be a toy sold in stores though as it definitely looks like it would appeal more to children who aren't as jaded and demanding as adult collectors (no, that's not an insult hidden in there, I'm jaded and demanding as well). As it is, I think Mattel is misunderstanding the majority of adults they plan to sell this to. I'll buy it, me and like four other people. >_<
  9. They're still shipping. People here in MN have been finding freshly stocked RTS & Generations figures, most recently the Wheeljack/Warpath/Thundercracker wave at Targets. They're in small numbers, but at least they're still out there. I know how you feel though, these last couple of waves have been some of the most frustrating TFs to find that I can remember. I've ended up getting most of them either from BBTS or from kindly forum members.
  10. I swear I'm the only TF fan in existence that doesn't like the G1 Devastator toy. That said, I'm glad its getting an official reissue, and it's good to see Encore continue.
  11. I disagree. Super 8 is the most enjoyable sci-fi movie I've seen in the last few years. My mental filing cabinet has it right next to The Goonies & ET. I'd recommend it to pretty much everyone. ::EDIT:: That "review" posted above reads like it was written by an angst-nurturing twelve-year old who was too busy figuring out pop-culture comparisons to actually pay attention to what was going on in the movie. I would suggest NOBODY base whether or not they see it on that.
  12. I cannot WAIT to buy the Hasbro Rodimus. My Takara version can sit on the shelf looking pretty while I transform the sh!t out of the Hasbro version. Hell, for $49.99 I might just buy two of them.
  13. The newest version looks the most like Depp to me. It'll be the cheapest option for you as well since the older Jack figures go for crazy money these days (like many older Hot Toys figures). I'm pretty sure it comes with the Black Pearl in a bottle even though BBTS doesn't list it.
  14. How so? It looks pretty good to me as a ship and as a playset. Connects to other bases, comes with a transformable Roller. Seems like a fun addition to the Cyberverse/Legends toys. The guy reviewing it seems to like it.
  15. I saw it this afternoon and I wasn't disappointed. Nice quick pace all the way through, very funny at times, a story that wasn't convoluted, pretty much just a straight up fun pirate action-adventure movie. Loved it. At the moment I like it just as much as the first one. The sub-story with the missionary and the mermaid felt kind of forced, especially since Philip was about as interesting as dry toast, but it wasn't anywhere close to the scale of the Will/Liz romance so it didn't bother me. I'm hoping they'll make his character interesting by turning him into a wicked mer-man villain in the future - the whole 'fallen from grace' thing. Don't give him any redemption at the end of his story, either.
  16. I had pretty low expectations for the Gunbuster Revy based on reviews, but I found one for relatively cheap and figured I'd try it out. It's really a pretty standard Revoltech robot release, so if you have any of the previous Revoltech super robots you'll know what to expect with this. The transformation isn't exactly fun, but it's far, far less time consuming and confusing than the VF100 VF-25. Just unplug a few parts from the robot and plug them into the buster machines. It's more of a bonus than anything, and I for one appreciate the inclusion. I do understand why people would rather have the arsenal though. Maybe they'll do another release with the weapons One nitpick would be that the head just looks too small to me. Had it been just a little bigger they could have detailed the eye a lot better. Another nitpick is the biceps are connected by a monoshaft, and on my sample the arms fall off when you try to rotate that joint. They hold tight, but movement makes them twist right out of the socket. Not really a big deal, but kind of annoying for someone with bratwurst fingers. I can probably fix it by shaving off some plastic. That said, I like it and I'm glad I bought it. This and the Kotobukiya kit will team up to satisfy my Gunbuster cravings until I can find a SOC version for less than a gajooble dollars.
  17. Apparently it hasn't had any affect on filming. Production is moving right along and Freeman is already in his Bilbo duds getting all three-dee'd. From Ian McKellen's blog: I've seen Bilbo — in three dimensions. I was visiting old friends in the Stone Street offices and heard Martin Freeman was just round the corner by the permanent greenscreen, done up as Bilbo, testing his costume in front of the 3D cameras. Indeed, there he was in the open air, mostly oblivious to the camera, though turning this way and that as required. Martin improvised a hobbity gait, padding back and forth, testing his big hairy Hobbit feet, pointy ears and little tum. Beneath the shade of a tent, in a sun hat, Andrew Lesnie was remotely controlling the two lenses within the mighty camera which digitally records in 3D. His screen showed the familiar 2D image but next to it, above the director's chair, was a large colour screen in full magical three dimensions, much as it will appear in the cinema — courtesy of the spy-glasses that transform the blurred outlines onscreen to the high definition exactitude of the 3D effect. Three Bilbos simultaneously, two performances on screen and the actor beyond: which was the real one? Martin Freeman was transmuting into a character whose reality will soon be as authentic as his own. — Ian McKellen, Wellington, March 2011
  18. Ooooh...I like the 1J stealth, too. The silver is more appealing to me than Yamato's gold. So that's 5 Toynami 1/100 figures I'll likely be buying.
  19. The most recent 6 or 7 issues. It's a pop culture/art magazine called "Giant Robot".
  20. Gotta have that Low Vis. I'll probably grab the 1D, Elint and Ostrich as well since I'm doubting Bandai will make them in the Hi Metal line.
  21. The Blind Watchmaker Fellowship of the Ring The Portable Frank Pile of Giant Robot magazines
  22. Yes.
  23. eriku

    DX VF-171?

    I far prefer the VF-17, but I'd still love to get a DX (or any other) 171.
  24. I like the scheme and the head. Would I buy it? As a general release, yes. As an exclusive/limited release, no.
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