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Everything posted by eriku

  1. ^ agreed. That plastic is acceptable on a smaller TF (even then I don't like it) but on something like an MP it looks truly lousy. It's like his whole body is made from that same ugly plastic that Hasbro cast MP Rodimus' face and hands in.
  2. Out of the dozens of times I've gotten a package from AmiAmi, I've only gotten an oversized box once and I've never gotten any kind of white sponge type packing materials. They always use either a pink packing paper or fitted cardboard frames. Perhaps they have different practices for different countries. As for their shipping prices, I always use EMS and I've never seen a substantial difference between AmiAmi and HLJ.
  3. Lovely bird. Such beautiful plumage.
  4. Apparently BBTS expects more Rands, and not at the worst price I've ever seen: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TOY10153&mode=retail
  5. Michael Bay's pitch for the movie: "OK, we're going to take the popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise and give it a whole new edgy look and feel! First of all, they aren't going to be teenagers, they're going to be an ancient race of aliens from another planet. They're also not going to be mutated in any way, they'll just look strange because they're aliens! It's like, more scientific that way. Also they'll use guns and explosives so they aren't really 'ninjas' per se. Oh, and instead of turtles they're robots!" Hollywood exec: "What are you going to call it?" Bay: "Transformers 4!"
  6. That Trendmasters Voltron isn't a new reissue, BBTS just got ahold of a bunch of stock somewhere. Trendmasters no longer holds a license for Voltron.
  7. eriku


    Everybody? Sorry, I mean EVERYBODY? Last I checked I could officially be included in that group and I have absolutely no reason to hate Hi Metal. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find an appreciation thread of something I don't like so I can piss on it or something.
  8. eriku


    I love how the HI METAL LOVE THREAD is filled with bitching and complaints.
  9. eriku


    the Hi Metal line was great while it lasted. Small, very well made (better than their 1/60 stuff) and extremely articulated.
  10. WATCH HIM OUT! I hope that's all the bio says on the back of Breakdown's box. Very excited for the MP Lambo. I liked the Countach so much when I was a kid that it was the only vehicle I had a picture book for. I spent a lot of time flipping through that book looking at different photos of that car. Of course these days I think it looks cheesy as hell but my nostalgia is more powerful than my adult tastes. Never did find the Sideswipe toy back then. I really, truly hope they don't force an over-complicated confounding transformation into Lambo just because "It's a Masterpiece so look what we can do with engineering!". I'd rather Lambo not have the parts-fit problems that poor Roddy was plagued with. Fingers crossed he'll have more in common with Grimlock.
  11. Agreed. Most of the time Prime seems to be taking itself too seriously. On the other hand I'm sure there are a lot of fans who thought Animated didn't take itself seriously enough. I like Prime so far, but it just doesn't have that sense of "fun" that Animated did. That and I guess I still prefer 2D animation over 3D. As good as the rendering is on Prime, it still seems a bit lifeless to me.
  12. It's accurate, I've checked it before after ordering things and the number always decreases by the amount I order, and switches to SOLD OUT after the last one is gone. Hopefully they don't cancel anyone's orders like they did with the VF-25S, which Bandai didn't send them enough of to fulfill all of the orders.
  13. I was thinking the same thing today when I went to pick up my copy. Target always puts their new releases at the top of the children's section (at least around here they do) but I found Prime waaaaay down by the floor, in a random slot like it was Air Bud 3 or something. I was there in the morning and they had a whole two copies. I guess the ENTIRE ROW of Tooth Fairy 2 meant everything else was screwed. Anyway, I'm excited to watch the series. I watched the first three episodes online back in 1934 or whenever it first aired, but haven't seen any since as I don't have the Hub. I remember liking the first few episodes, so hopefully the whole season will at least be as enjoyable.
  14. Damn you...this makes me want to buy another VF-0. I've already bought/sold two of them! :3
  15. Thanks! Now June just needs to get here already.
  16. Me too. I just hope he's able to fill everyone's orders.
  17. I actually quite like the Jar Jar and Padme episodes. I like some variety in my stories.
  18. Yeah, a reissue available at 3AM for two minutes isn't really any consolation.
  19. Why does Prime's gun turn into Shockwave?
  20. Hmmm...my wife and I were just talking about immersion school for our daughter this morning. Maybe I can convince her we should all move to Japan instead. Screw immersion school, it would be immersion life!
  21. I think the world would be a much better place if everything was measured by bowls of pho. But yes, that $250 shipped really isn't dramatically more than retail + EMS shipping. Very tempting.
  22. I've got both FE and RiD voyager Primes, a well as the deluxe version. I tend to think the deluxe strikes the best balance between looks, articulation and transformation, even though the forearm/wrist area is longish and a bit strange looking (less so when in a dynamic pose). FE is clearly where most of the thought and love went toward and it just seems really stupid to me that Hasbro would waste the time, resources and money tooling and developing the RiD version when they could have just stuck with the FE version. They could have given him the same crappy mechtech weapon since they seem to think it's so important that this line has that gimmick. Just a shame. As for my opinion of the RiD Prime, I don't mind messing around with it and it is fun to transform, but there really isn't anything special about it. It's just something that feels like it has no right to even exist, yet there it is. I'm eager to find the Cyberverse Prime - so far the Cyberverse stuff has been excellent. Cliffjumper is easily the best Legions/Legends figure we've gotten in a long time - especially once you shave some plastic off his thighs so his hips can move.
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