Just opened Rei and spent some quality time with her and I must say, this is one of the best figures in my collection. Yes, it's small and it seems like it would be fragile, but the plastic isn't brittle and the joints all have metal rivets so I think it should hold up pretty well over time. The plentiful articulation is amazing and really well thought out, there are so many great poses you can put her in. The paintjob (on mine at least) is perfect down to the smallest detail, and I mean SMALLEST DETAIL - "EVA-OO" is painted on to her freaking heel spikes!! Add to that the perfect barcodes on her hands, the small print on her back and her tiny little eyes and you've got one big WOW. The chair is great, too, and makes a perfect accessory for Rei.
The only problem I have is that this figure is so perfect it makes me want an entire set with Shinji, Asuka, Koaru, Misato, Gendou, Touji...everyone. I'd also love to see an entry plug made to scale with the figures that has an opening hatch and a fully detailed interior. It would have a hollow plastic window on one side that is filled with orange liquid and when you tilt the plug one way it looks like it's filling with LCL, just like those classic nudie pens! *drooool* I doubt that will happen but I guess anything is possible as long as NGE is still popular.