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Everything posted by eriku

  1. I dont think there has been a SOC release yet where someone hasn't wished it was bigger. On the contrary, I love the SOC scale. I was a little surprised at the smallness of the EVAs, but now I think it's perfect. Judging from the pics I've seen of T28, he seems to be just right. Now I just have to wait until fatty shows up!
  2. I certainly hope Jar Jar Binks has a larger role in this one. Here's my dream scenario: After Anakin/Vader wipes everyone out, Jar Jar is left with the responsibility of delivering the Skywalker twins to their respective foster homes AND shuttling Yoda to Dagobah. Jar Jar then decides to live on Dagobah with Yoda and Lucas digitally includes Jar Jar in a future release of the OT. If you think I'm nuts, just remember that Gungans have already been included in the OT. At the end of Jedi, during the celebration scene on Naboo, you can see a parapet filled with Gungans dancing around and flailing their arms as one yells, in a very Jar Jar like voice, "Weesa Freeee!!!!"
  3. Damn, two minutes after finishing the toyboxdx review and I have a T28 on it's way to me from Twin Moons (sorry BBTS, Tam was cheaper!). If it's even half as good as the review makes it sound I'll be happy. For those who haven't read it, here's a direct link to the thread: http://toyboxst.inwards.com/phorum/read.php?1,107278
  4. Sheesh, and that's one of my favorite sites, too! I can't believe I didn't think to check there. Thanks!
  5. Has anyone gotten their hands on Bandai's SOC T28 yet? It looks beautiful but I typically like to read a few reviews and opinions before I decide to spend that much money. Mostly I'd like to know how well the light-up eyes gimmick turned out since I'm a little put off by things like that. I know BBTS has it in stock and my credit card is begging me to turn it's numbers over to Joel.
  6. Damn, I was almost certain that one of these days it would be announced that CR could walk again. If anyone could pull themselves out of such a handicap it seemed that CR could.
  7. The red box Alternators I've been seeing on Ebay don't appear to have a window on the box, in favor of a plastic bubble shell that encases the car. Is this how they all are? Seems like an odd idea but I guess it doesn't make much difference. Any word on G1 Jazz labels for Meister yet?
  8. I don't know, it looks like all the fat shifted to the legs. Seriously, look at those things, they're just stupidly large.
  9. Hmmm...so basically when that thing is turned into a toy it'll be a brick.
  10. I first watched EVA in two sets, half one night and half the next, and experienced almost the exact same symptoms that McBride listed. I actually had to force myself to go to work the next day. A couple nights after watching, the symptoms had subsided a bit and I popped in a Lupin III DVD (Second series) and after watching several episodes and having a good nights sleep, I found myself on a more even keel the next day. However...I do still feel that there is a big speck of constant introspection that has been stuck on my brain ever since watching EVA that first time, which is a good thing. I know it's strange and almost unreasonable to attribute such powerful effects to an anime, but it is a well known phenomenon. Maybe there are subliminal things going on, who knows? Another strange thing is that now when I watch the series, it gives me an almost uplifting feeling, close to the opposite of the first time I watched it. The emotional rollercoaster is part of why its my favorite anime series of all time (sorry Froating Head).
  11. The pessimist in me says that it would also be the last antimatter explosion.
  12. HEY! The exact thing happened to me!!!!! (it's my bday too) I just ordered a BT meister!! I can't wait! ~Tico PS> happy bday to you and me! That's too funny, happy birthday! May your Meister (and mine) arrive quickly!
  13. Ditto. I love the idea of finding a use for antimatter, but not for weaponry. We really don't need a better and faster way to blow up the planet.
  14. Man, Meister looks so damn good. I really wanted to wait and get the Alternators version since it's cheaper and the white finish doesn't seem like it would look that much better on die-cast than plastic....but my impatience got the best of me and hinted that it was in fact my birthday today and that I deserved an expensive new TF. The next thing I knew I was entering my CC info on the BBTS order page!
  15. *makes another entry into book called Reasons I Love Japan*
  16. 16 is out now! I could watch this Anime Forever! *.org*
  17. Like Windcharger won't get repainted...
  18. Nice to see official pics, but that other guy's prototype was in much better poses. I swear Hasbro has blind people setting up their toys for photo-shoots.
  19. well...this is the best samurai champloo fan site i've come across (that's in english )...there might be some more info there... http://champloo.rushtoy.com/ Thanks, I'll check that out when I get home (I only have time to sneak in MW while at work )
  20. Are you serious? It's happen many times before. Even to a certain series with "Super Dimension" in the title. (Don't worry it wasn't Macross as that one got an extended run) I guess I don't pay close enough attention.
  21. Does anyone have any links to any sort of "official" word on what's going on? I need to stop letting myself get caught up in this emotional see-saw of CANCELLED/NOT CANCELLED.
  22. I don't understand, I've never even heard of an anime getting cancelled before it's full run. That's it then. I've lost my faith in new anime. After this I'm going to be afraid to start watching ANY new series for fear of getting cancelled before the story is complete. No samurai who smells like sunflowers.
  23. Does it ever! It's amazing how one person's custom can look 10x better than a current Hasbro line such as Energon. I don't think I've ever wanted a scratch-built custom as badly as this one.
  24. Wow! That looks good enough to be an official prototype. Since Hasbro is making Joes based on the comics I wonder if any of their pinheads are kicking around TF comics ideas. It's not like they could use the lack of a current cartoon as an excuse not to, GI Joe has thrived without a cartoon for years.
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