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Kamui 777

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Everything posted by Kamui 777

  1. I think they're supposed to have 4. Check out the attached pic. Also, if you're using the the valk in the forground, I believe it's using two missles attached to a single hardpoint.
  2. Eh, those do look nice, but $150 is a little too rich for my blood. (in all honesty, if Big West licensed those for $150 I'd get them.... ) But I asked this before: HOW THE HELL IS THAT VF-1S IN THE AIR?!
  3. I've been a mostly a lurker recently but I come to those in need!! So far, the only use for points is nostolgia. Nothing had come up as of yet for uses of those points. The only thing recently that used points was on the TF Manga TPB released in Japan in which JP residents could mail it in for a G1 Black Tracks. Actually I'm not sure if it was a straight buy or if it was a chance to win. Hope that helps.
  4. It's a Korean Movie also known as Hwa San Go. I thought it was infuriatingly retarded and I'm Korean so I tried really hard to give it a chance. If you want a good movie with the same theme, watch Shaolin Soccer. But with respect to your inquiry, the sites I tried have them all out of print (DVDasian, Hkflix, pokerindustries) Sorry.
  5. He also had to sand down the trunk joint as well. See pic 8.
  6. Dude, if you get down to it, downloading or buying bootlegs, Big West is still not getting any profit from this. Get off your high horse and stop deluding yourself you're doing a good deed by downloading.
  7. Eh, i just bought one of those eBay ones. Hopefully it'll come within the next week.
  8. I caught this by accident like 14 years ago I think. I loved this. Especially the opening with the stone pillars hitting Collossus. Ah memories.....
  9. How's the RahXephon Series (Anime)? Why? Also, how's the Cowboy Bebop Manga? Just want MWers' opinions
  10. ARGH!!!!!!!!!! This is my first Yamato and the same happened to me!!
  11. Keep in mind that the DVD are from the original prints, not the nesscessarily the ones you saw on TV. The first Season has some screen glitches, but it's not defective DVDs. I can't explain it but if you get the DVD set you'll see it a special feature about them. There are also some added sound effects, but who cares. Only anal fans complain about them. I'd totally recommend the DVD sets. I love Key to Vector Sigma!!!
  12. Great. Thanks a mil!!
  13. Does anyone have a pic of how the Fast Pack clip works with the 1/48s Yammies? Thanks in advance.
  14. dvdasian.com has them the cheapest and ship the fastest.
  15. ARGH!! Every place is sold out. Any word when Yamato is sending their second shipment?
  16. Uhm, ok. Well what CoryHolmes said.
  17. Just out of curiousity, how is the VF-1S in the air? Is there a side-view pic around?
  18. The Best Buy disc is basically a 9-10 min making of featurette of Raiders. There's pops in the sound and grain in the picture, but it's a LIMITED edition so I HAD to get it!! I heard Circuit City had one as well. Does anyone here have that one? If so, what's on that one?
  19. Hell yeah!! I'm hoping Best Buy will have their exclusive disk with this set when I get there.
  20. Get him!! Support this new line!!! I got three!!
  21. Ichi the Killer (or Koroshiya 1 if you prefer) was awesome. I have NEVER seen a movie like that before, and I've seen messed up stuff before. One of the best manga to movie translations. Easily the most violent movie out there. Especially when Kakihara cuts off his tongue. Make sure you watch the uncut one!!
  22. Kamui 777

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Man, I'm even later to this party. GIVE ME!!! GIVE ME!! GIVE ME!!! I can't wait for this thing.
  23. Cowboy Bebop is probably one the ending I've talked about the most. For comics, G1 Transformers #80 (hey you didn't specify TV).
  24. The best movie I've seen in years by far. The action was great and the sociolgical side of humanity was awesome as well. You can pick up the double disc Korean version HERE A must see!!!
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