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Kamui 777

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Everything posted by Kamui 777

  1. I live in NYC, got my Rau today from HK. I think this thing is way overpriced. Do I regret getting it? No. I need this for my collection. I'm also a completist and it's a mental condition I have to deal with. BTW, did this come with an instruction booklet?
  2. Yup, I preordered mine from Amazon.co.jp Order it Here!!!
  3. Platonic Sex is based on the biography on the Ex-Japanese Porn Star Ai Iijima. Far from a porno, but does anyone know the ending song that's in the credits? I can't find the song or even the name anywhere.....
  4. This movie was infuriatingly retarded. I threw out the DVD after I saw it. I'm Korean and I still hated it.
  5. I'm actually one of those few people in between. The rabbit freaked me out. If you have the DVD and listen to both commentaries, you can get insight to the ending.
  6. I asked this question as well, but no response either. Does anyone know?
  7. BRII was the worst movie I saw in the past year by far. Riki Tagueshi (sp?) was horrible, the main protaganists were freakin' spoiled brats, and there were no great scenes like the lighthouse from the first one. CRAP!! CRAP!! CRAP!! I live my life pretending it never existed.
  8. The HUSH series is already on TPB. Wait the Flash in JL is Barry Allen? I thought it was Wally in the cartoon? Also, I think Kyle Raynor belongs in JL, not John Stewart.
  9. Ok, for the record, in TT, it's not specifically said which Robin it is. Although, in one Batman Animated Series ep someone asked Batman where Robin was and BM said he's with the Titans now. (Don't remember any other details.) So we can assume it's Tim Drake. If we follow the cartoon series continuity, tim becomes the Joker in Batman Beyond as well. Bobe-Patt, in that ep where it showed Nightwing, it was just an alternate future. No need to go any further into detail. I personally watch TT religiously and used to watch JL when it was on on Sat Nights.
  10. Hell yeah!! I love that song and that scene was the highlight of that movie.
  11. Make sure you DON'T force the backpack up too far!! I'm so pissed at myself for doing so.....
  12. Trust me. As soon as we Transfans hear something, you guys hear it here in MW in a couple of hours....
  13. Pat, Are you sure? I know about the katakana similarities, but I remember reading something about HG rights about the name use.
  14. Crap, I hate to give partial info, but it had something to do with the right Harmony Gold has over the name.
  15. Rumble and Frenzy had them in the comics as well. No one ever answered my question in the tfw2005 boards as to what size or what these things will be made of.
  16. There has to be a suspension of disbelief that these are extraordinary children, kinda like X-Men. So that compensates for realism. But I don't know. Part of Eva's effect is feelling what they go through in the eyes of a teen......
  17. Like the title says. But the main thing I'd like to know is what manga issue is out in Japan. I was wondering if it was finally finished yet. The links on Anipike are pretty outdated. Thanks.
  18. When I first looked at the title of this thread, I thought: GALAXY OF TERROR!! Army of Darkness is my fav!
  19. No way is it a toy!! After traumatized by breaking the backpack hinge, I'm super careful.
  20. It's used in my favorite pic:
  21. Oh man this movie rocks!!! This is what Han San go (Volcano High) tried to be!!
  22. The Vs. Blue/Gray SUCKS BIG TIME!!! It's in an alternate universe and makes A-ko a bimbo. SUCKS!! I can't stress how much it sucked!!
  23. Shoot, I need a launch arm for my VE-1. I like it in Valk mode but not the landing gears. Any update from Yamato?
  24. Ah HA! So the Vf-1S' Left foot on the rock is what's keeping him up!!
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