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Kamui 777

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Everything posted by Kamui 777

  1. The above was retarded. "Life support" means it's dying which it is not. Again, do more research before you reply. Just because an industry is not at their peak from a decade ago, doesn't mean they're dying. Marvel and DC are far away from bankruptcy. That and "wich" is spelled wrong. Not from me....
  2. Exactly, Isamu Atreides 86. To say that the US comic market is on life support is RETARDED. Go back and check your numbers. Just because US comics figures are a lot worse than they were in the early 90s, doesn't mean they are going away anytime soon. Again "they're printed on Foiled Embossed" is a stupid thing to say. Very few if any title are like this these days. Stop living in the 90s Marvel. Not all comics do this. Stories and characters are recycled for a new audience. So what, these aren't the only comics out there that's why that statement is ignorant.
  3. US has to learn how JP manga's distributed? Like every 2-3 months? That's pretty freakin horrible. Especially in today's ADD generation. If you want to sell 'em, JP should learn from America. Uhm, no. That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. I'm sure many people who collect both can say the say the same about manga considering the # of US comics to manga released worldwide every month. Don't get me wrong, I love manga, but you have to look at both sides. Also, I'm pretty bitter X (/1999) isn't even finished yet in Japan.....
  4. I'd buy 'em. I always buy a legit release except when: 1.) The bootleg has an extra feature (deleted scence, uncut, special BTS, etc.) 2.) The picture and sound are better. 3.) There is an English sub available on the boot and not the legit release.
  5. I just got mine today from DDD. $20 and change w/Box. I thought it was a very good release. The box wasn't as cheap as I thought it was. For me, it's the same sturdiness of the reg EVA box. Thicker than the Animego Macross Box. Great release overall. And yes, the commentary pronounciations are VERY frustrating. When Mai drops her Dagger of Kamui bag, Janice Williams pronounces it like "Ka Moo ee". ARGH!!
  6. Kamui 777

    1/60 Gbp

    I'm too lazy to go through the whole thread, but what kind of Hikaru pilot is it? TV or DYRL?
  7. Just downloaded the RAW. This is worst one of the 4 to have without subs. Good ep from the looks of it and it seems a LOT of backstory was revealed. What little dogfighting there was, it was very good.
  8. It's out? I gotta go my NYC stores as i assume large retailers like Best Buy and Suncoast don't got 'em. Keith, did you see the edition w/ the box set? Or is the box are you mentioned the one on the DVD case? If you saw the edition with the box, how thick is it? Pioneer thick or Evangelion thick?
  9. Bug looking thing= Ransack Yellow car= Micromaster Detour
  10. I was gonna post this earlier, but what makes a G-Shock watch so special? I would get a Movado or a nice Guess watch for that price.
  11. You can buy some Eng subs on eBay. It has great Muay Thai fights and even a Tuk Tuk chase scene. It's not a comical film, but again, don't expect a great plot.
  12. Ong Bak Trailer The above link has it in French, but I bought the bootleg today. This movie was great!! Plot wasn't (but what fighting movie is), but the action scenes were awesome. He slid underneath a car!! The fights were great, too. Definetly worth checking out.!!!
  13. No it's hasn't shipped yet. BBTS always charged a couple weeks before release date on pre-orders. Also, while I will always swear by BBTS as a store, they are usually one of the LAST places that gets their stock. If you don't see it popping up on Ebay first, then BBTS doesn't have it yet.
  14. Quite possibly. Note that Stepper didn't come with any accessories except Nightstick and the shoulder holster to hold NS.
  15. The sons of bitches at 88mph still owe me 2 Transformers:Genesis books (or refund). So no I'm not supporting them.
  16. I've read somewhere that Anno said (paraphrasing) "If you don't understand Eva, that's your problem" at a convention. That's why I think the last couple of eps is what he wanted.
  17. Without getting into an opinion battle whether or not you liked the last couple of episodes of EVA, I'm just curious if there is any confirmation why the they were done like the way they were. I heard that Anno wanted to do the last two eps according to his vision and that was that. But if you look at last six or so, it seems that there were budget cuts (black pillars of SEELE instead of people, long still scenes, storyboard drawings in the last two eps, etc.) Can anyone confirm?
  18. As one of the resident TF experts here, there is NO WAY Jetfire is going to be reissue. You can hope for a G1 Megatron reissue before Jetfire.....
  19. Hound and Streak are out in the States. I got mine today at Image Anime!!
  20. If I get the Evangelion Director Cuts, do I still need the last two discs of the set? I like to put the DCs into my Paul Champagne case. Thanks.
  21. Microman Batman How big are Micromen? 80s G. I. Joe sized? This looks pretty cool.
  22. This frame wasn't in Robotech. I remember watching it in the the deleted scenes the last box set had.
  23. I wish it was yellow and Sunstreaker. I don't want a Dead End unless he's part of a gestalt. Actually, the main reason DE bothers me is that he looks like Sunstreaker (except the colors of course....)
  24. Yes!! Thank you so much Valkyrie!! I, too, was looking for that song.
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