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Kamui 777

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Everything posted by Kamui 777

  1. Best- Spike Spiegal mAN!!! I cried my eyes out. This is only tied with Dinobot from Beast Wars (I know it's not Anime)
  2. Next to be released IS Hound. Predaking was the next announced. 14 is Hound 15 is Stepper 16 Insecticons 17 Predacons
  3. No one would be happier that MEEEEE!!!!!
  4. The Superman part is a throwback to "Dark Knight Returns" where Superman is a tool for the government and Batman fights him in the last part. There really no other back story to it.
  5. I think the old Robin costume was a homage to HIS old costume, not Tim Drake's. (Minus the green undies) The GL and WW cameo bothered me. The Superman aspect reminded me of the Dark Knight Returns where Batman fights an old Superman who's sided with the government. The Rest of JL to just overdoing it. Also, with JLA, assume in the time between their respective solo titles, each hero is part of the JLA in their spare time so to speak.
  6. I'm hitting an Anime drought (the only thing I've bought recently is MegaZone 23, but we all know how old that is....). I'm looking into getting into One Piece. Anyone have opinions about it?
  7. I buy doubles for Takara Transformers Reissues and Binaltech and comics. I only buy one of Macross stuff and Hasbro Alternators.
  8. Hell yeah!! DYRL was the Anime piece that brought me into Anime. It still rocks and it will always have sentimental value to me.
  9. I didn't say "shave them off", I said shave them. As in shave them thinner.
  10. Instead of drilling holes in the legs, I shaved the pegs on the FPs. That was easier for me. For the rest, I had a junker FP compatible Valk and used that.
  11. Just to make sure, is your 2nd player controller a Dual Shock Analog? For some reason my MMAC won't work with a regular, let's say, PS1 analog controller.
  12. The only thing that upsets me is that this isn't OUT NOW!!!!
  13. The pause trick DOES work for MM1. You just have to change your timing on the SELECT button. I've used it on the Yellow Devil and Wily.
  14. In terms of Macross toys he's 1/55. In the Transformers World, he's probably not 1/55 like his Valk counterpart. Different universe here. Remember he fit Brawn and Windcharger in his cargo bay with room to spare.
  15. I'm happy we're getting this thing PERIOD. Freaking anti-2D Sony, I wish PS2 was getting SNK vs Capcom Chaos. grumble grumble grumble......
  16. Shoot, I can't believe I missed this post. I believe it's the MI verison. The thing is there is no lime MI in the beginning. The only I think it is, is bc the packaging is very similar my other 3 M0 MI ones.
  17. Still not the same as Normal from NES. Still take more damage and one shot enemies take 2 hits. I used to beat Woodman no prob w/the Mega Buster, now he kicks my ass. No matter, I'm up to Wily castle now. Gotten used to the change.
  18. Exactly. I like to see and be able to discuss it. And at most, how much do you save in these bundles? $10-$20? Wrong hobby to be in if that's a big deal.
  19. Got mine yesterday!! Man what an investment for $30!! My only gripe is that MM2 is stuck on difficult. You can't choose like in the original NES. Oh well. Time to change my flow.
  20. Wel back to the topic on hand: You can use glue gone or a small, gradual amounts of brake fluid. Be careful though, brake fluid can make plastic VERY brittle.
  21. I got mine from ebay. The guys in HK had it to me in a week after the close of the auction.
  22. Anime on DVD lists two versions of part II. Does anyone know what the differences are?
  23. Kamui 777

    hong kong

    I used Graham's advice 2 years ago. (Thanks a mil Graham!!) Man, I loved HK. They had EVERYTHING. I remember seeing a MIB JP Fort MAX for about ~$400 USD.
  24. You guys are right, I apologize. I'm wrong and I walk away from this thread with my head in shame.
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