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Kamui 777

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Everything posted by Kamui 777

  1. I don't think it's 11, the Honda should be. Nothing's confirmed yet though.
  2. Area Seven, I have the total opposite opinions of your reviews. I thought "This Little Piggy" and "The Greatest Story Never Told" were the worst. I don't really care for comedy and "This Little Piggy" was so boring. But I admit having Batman sing was really cool. Booster Gold is a lame character and "having a cocky character grow more mature" theme is old and was presented unoriginal. "For the Man Who Has Everything" was awesome. Having Superman and Batman "teased" with having their dreams come true was pretty depressing. Plus having an angry Superman rocks.
  3. I love my Tracks. In fact, I love all of them. Tracks has a sleek car mode and the robot mode is great too. Yup, I agree with the above. Also, my joints in the arms are a little loose. But I highly recommend him.
  4. Nope BT Hound's shoulder's are plastic. They still hold well though. I've transformered him many times.
  5. See, here are all mine. The Binaltechs are in robot mode and Alternators are in vehicle mode. My cam's flash won't work for some reason though
  6. Man I got Minmay today and she rocks!! Thanks for the links guys. I need the DYRL version now, does anyone have one for sale?
  7. I'm interested in reading all related Manga to X (/1999). I'm reading Tokyo Babylon and I know X uses older character from Clamp School Detectives. So did anyone read it? How many volumes are there?
  8. While it's not 100% confirmed yet, I don't think Predaking will be #17 collection. The box pics from the JP toy shows the old school black and purple packaging and none of the ads from Takara have the #17 on them. He's most likely gonna be packed like Sixshot not the Collection boxes.
  9. I just got Alternators Meister, so yeah he's Meister.
  10. Man Minmay looks cool. ANyone know where to get this fig? Action HQ has her on Pre-order for $27 which is a tad expensive for a 3" fig.
  11. I was interested, but I've NEVER seen a region 2 with English subtitles. Or were just looking for R2 with subtitles.
  12. Yeah, surprisingly one of the largest cities in the world has a really small selection for Anime stuff. You have (in quality of stuff order not prices): Image Anime (They get all my Transformer business.) 103 West 30th Street New York, NY 10001 Toy Tokyo around St. Marks which has lotsa neato stuff 121 2nd Avenue Second Floor NYC, NY 10003 Elizabeth Center on Elizabeth Street in Chinatown Don't know the exact address but it's on Elizabeth Street and Canal Street. Forbidden Planet in Union Square Any other place is blah unless you're willing to come out here to Queens where you have Animecastle, Akihabara Toys and some other places which I can't think of.
  13. Yeah, I usually don't complain, but I'm a completist. I buy all 1/60. Even if they look ugly.
  14. I have Hero and I found it quite BORING!! All style and no substance.
  15. Also, if you read the new Identity Crisis, Deathstroke nearly kills Flash. I mean on paper, it's Flash, but there are so many other factors. Superman vs. Doomsday. Supes coulda just punched Doomsday into the sun. Instead, he sorta died.
  16. holytoledo69, are those out yet? I need those!!
  17. Why is Dick Robin 2? He's 1 unless you're counting a Pre-Crisis something.
  18. I'll take a set of DYRL hands in a heartbeat. I can't stand these spindly Yamato hands.
  19. I got my Tracks on Tues from Image Anime. Also, Swindle has bigger wheels.
  20. I Hope you mean Batman Beyond. Batman Forever stole 2 hours of my youth. That movie sucked bad.
  21. I've done it, but what I pretty much did was take an extra Strike VF-1S Roy and combined parts to make a Super VF-1A.
  22. ARGH!! I need that MAX Rau. Are there any new pics of the Miriya fig?
  23. Is there any new word on the Max Queadlunn-Rau and CMS Miriya Figure Set? I'm hittin a Macross drought.
  24. Man I love Ed from CB, but the most annoying beyond a doubt is Mint from Mospeada. ARGH!!!! Second is C-Ko from Project A-ko.
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