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Kamui 777

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Everything posted by Kamui 777

  1. Promethuem5, I think I know what the problem is. Make sure the shoulder joints are folded EXACTLY the way I have mine in the pic. The little tabs on top should fit under the fender/hood.
  2. I agree. I like the Breakout piece during the Guld/Isame dogfight much better than the piece played during the Japanese track.
  3. Here he is versus my Re-issue Predaking!!
  4. Hmm, I don't know. I guess for me: Great Endings: Cowboy Bebop Macross: DYRL X: TV Escaflowne TV Let down: Megazone 23 Macross 7
  5. Sweet! So, when's that beauty coming out again? I'm crossing my fingers for December 15th. At least it'll be on my doorstep in time for Christmas (assuming EMS doesn't get it lost or some random act of God occurs to the plane). Well it's out in HK already so it should be here late this month or early/mid january. Image Anime should have it by next week.
  6. My Amazon order is "Shipping Soon"!!! WHEEEEE
  7. NO! I should just delete your post for being lazy. Lazy ass. Sorry master Max!! But I have my answer!! MUWAHAHAHHAH!!!
  8. I'm too lazy to scan 8 pages, but does the DS play regular Gameboy games?
  9. On EbayThis is the one I got. Subs are pretty bad though....
  10. Ummm.... If he is like hound, you wont be able to see the decep symbol in car mode. It flips over for robot mode. I think he means a giant one like Miester/Jazz
  11. Hasbro bought Kenner. Beast Wars II and Neo are straight from Takara. Hasbro designed the Beast Wars. I'm too lazy to find a link, but I've read that many times.
  12. Uhm, no. Where do you get your info from?
  13. I can't add anything, but Dash's scene's were the best!! Man, they were exciting and funny. The capes thing and Mr. Incredible going through all the dead heroes was disturbing for me though.
  14. I saw this today. It was quite good and way better than the boring Hero. Althought the deaths were predictable, the special effects of the daggers were cool.
  15. Wheee!! I missed these "BLANK is OUT!!" threads.
  16. I guess it is out. I remember the good old days when there used to be a post saying "BLANK is out!!" I guess I'm one of the few who will buy this thing....
  17. Twin Moons has it to be released on 10/29. Does anyone have a better or more accurate date? I'm sitting in a Macross drought!!
  18. Actually the American one looks better. The Original JP movie was BORING!!!!! Man, I was so pissed I bought it. Part II was better, but has little to do with the first.
  19. Bayside, Queens. I'm in the city a lot though due to work and LIRR.
  20. I'm bored and just decided to look in this section. I'VE NEVER LOOKED HERE BEFORE. But I live in NYC.
  21. I played SVC Chaos a couple of time in the arcade and that seemed off to me. I loved CVS because all the SNK characters seemed to so bad ass. The intros of Kim Kap Hwan braking all those boards and the dialougue between Iori and Kyo rocked.
  22. Yup my white one came with those too. I got 2 of each color. One set to keep MISB and one to transform.
  23. Do you even know what you're talking about? The BT/Alternators are pretty much homages to the G1 cars. I mean G1 Prowl/Bluestreak/Smokescreen all transformed the same way and practically all the other cars consisted of pull down legs, fold out feet, pull out arms and pull down hood. Obviously across ALL of G1 they transformed differently, but the BT cars are great and are a lot more intricate than G1 cars. I'm also assuming that you're comparing Miester to Smokescreen. Again, the differences between Miester/BT Smokescreen are a lot greater than G1 Smokescreen/Jazz. Finally, if you you're sick of them DON'T BUY THEM!! Sorry to rant but I hate people who wine about "they all transform the same." Do you even collect the Macross valks? I wish I had time to complain about all the things I don't like...
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