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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. I bet it wouldn't take TOO much effort to modify the wings to keep them "swinging"
  2. These 'lil dudes are a fun build! My first kit was an ARII 1/170 Super VF-1D (actually, it had the sprue for a strike cannon, so I used that... only strike VF-1D I've ever seen!)... they don't take a lot of detail.... actually, two good brushes will get you through this kit... one moderately sized one and a detail brush (like a 10/0 or liner brush) and "WHAM!" you've got yourself 3.5-4 inches of macross fun. Those who want to "turn it up" a bit may choose to airbrush it... but there are diehard brush fanatics like me who will have nothing to do with such "archaeic" tools
  3. I had a deep affinity for the ZZ Top song "Velcro Fly" after reading "The Wastelands"! I also started using the phrase "Hurts like a mad bastard" ever since I read one of them... can't remember which one it was in though I really love the Dark Tower series.... The Talisman and Black House were my two favorite crossovers, but yeah, around 2/3 of Stephen King's novels have something to do with the Dark Tower series ("The Stand" being one of the prevailent of those... I didn't think much about that until Randall Flagg appeared in "The Wizard and Glass" then it all started to make sense) I've been meaning to go and read the updated versions, but I'm far more anxious to get my hands on book V. "The Drawing of the Three" was probably my least favorite of the series thus far, but I understand that it's just as pivotal as the other books.
  4. I don't see how the lineart wasn't a "real" Vf-1D.... just because the paint-job was different. I can see the panel line running straight across the top of the fuselage (as opposed to the angular cut of the one-seaters) Look dude, I'm not gonna say that you're "not right"... but I find it really hard to believe that you honestly think that still, despite all of the evidence presented....and I might add that so far, nothing concrete has been presented in the "Vf-1J" argument.
  5. Testors primer-grey was exactly the color I wanted as a basecoat for my SDF-01 model... there's nothing at all wrong with using it that way.
  6. Hate to rain on the parade here, but the callsign does not necessarily dictate the squadron. The real life Skull Squadron (Jolly Rogers) back when they were the VF-84 used "Victory *insert number here*" has their callsigns (they also used this, quite accurately, in the movie "The Final Countdown")... and often times, callnumbers were mission-specific unless I am mistaken.
  7. I tried this game a while back (I downloaded it) and I couldn't get it to work very well (it always locked up during the first mission).... I may have to try this one again, if I can ever find it!
  8. It WAS animated by animefriend, however... there was official lineart drawn by Kawamori in TIAS#7 of a Max-style VF-1D... virtually any episode that involves Max or Milia was done by Animefriend (not all but most)... but as you see, there WAS evidence backing it up. Mospeada has nothing to do with this thread.
  9. The designation that Kawamori assigned to the MacZero F-14s is "F-14A+ Kai". According to the compendium, these models incorperate overtechnology (although, it does not say how)
  10. well, everyone is allowed their opinion..... right or wrong.
  11. Among MG connesieurs (sp?), MG 2: Solid Snake is pretty much considered the best MG ever. There are some who disagree, and except for the pile that is "snakes revenge", I haven't played a Metal Gear that I didnt' like.
  12. While I think it's a steaming pile, I understand others may like it. As a game, it's functional, I just didn't think it was worthy of the title "Metal Gear" (I thought similar thoughts about FF7, but that's another matter)
  13. *sigh* there's one in every group
  14. You're making a typical but invalid generalization, Gundamhead. "All valkyries that have triangular patches are VF-1Ds, therefore there cannot be VF-1Ds that do not have triangular patches." <_< Well, maybe and maybe not, but Who's to say that the patches are aren't still there and just painted over? You're making this way harder than it has to be. They couldn't just swap out cockpits precisely because of the difference in the fuselage/torso. The standard single-seat fighters fuselage couldn't be rigged to handle a two-seat cockpit (at least, as they are designed in the TV series), because the nose would stick out half again further than it usually does (thereby unbalancing the aircraft) The color of the triangular patches is the same thing as the angular stripes of skull squadron.... it's purely a cosmetic thing. More to prove the point, in the SAME EPISODE, we see VF-1Ds in Cannon-fodder colors. I saw no black patches on their chests either. <_< In fact, take a look at the Hasegawa schematic that Hikaru posted above.. you can see the patches on the Max-paint scheme... just not colored "black". Just because it had two head lasers, a gun, and a paint scheme that doesn't match up, are NOT solid reasons to claim it should be a VF-1J. People tend to forget that the VF-1D saw as much action as the rest of the model types (NOT just a trainer, folks) End of sermon, I think I've laid this one to rest.
  15. Time to go get it on...
  16. Makin' a phone call.....
  17. And here's a couple of shots from the MSX (read: original) version of Metal Gear. operation: Intrude N313
  18. sneaking away from enemies
  19. Arrival on the shores of Zanzibar
  20. Here's a couple of screenshots from Metal Gear2: Solid Snake..
  21. Yeah, sounds like Ikari Warriors or Ikari Warriors 2:"Victory Road", neither of which were very impressive and both are very long. I got almost all the way to the end of the first one and I beat the second one. IIRC, both only had one stage, the terrain just changed as you went on. They were much easier to play on the NES than they were in the arcades, where you had to rotate the damn joystick to change your angle of fire... highly annoying.
  22. LOL, you mean "vomit-inducing"! Could you just imagine!?? Like sticking yourself in a centerfuge...
  23. Ok, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I had to drag out the book and look for myself. On Page 66 of TIAS #7, the picture CLEARLY shows that the chest plate goes straight across...ALA VF-1D. The straight chestplate (with the small middle-part), added with the head unit and the length of the cockpit ALL point at a VF-1D.... there is nothing about that that suggests it would be a VF-1J. As for having a gun? Remember.... they *did* take that valkyrie into combat. I know it seems like a lot of effort just to repaint a whole aircraft for this occasion, but remember, it was the FIRST Human/Meltrandi wedding... And the crew of the UNS Macross certainly spared no expense. So it WAS a VF-1D... and I think it was justified, given the occasion. Paintjobs probably didn't take too long on the Macross anyhow.
  24. "Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake" is, to this day, my favorite Metal Gear game... it's also damn hard! You know you have a genuine Metal Gear game if Snake intrudes by water (at least I hope so.. I haven't played the game boy version of "Metal Gear Solid" or "Metal Gear: Ghost Babel"... and in Sons of Liberty he intruded onto a boat that was IN the water, so it counts) None of this "Airdropping in to kill General Vernon Kataffy" or whatever nonsense... Some minor differences between NES Metal Gear and MSN Metal Gear (NES):Turret gunner bosses (on roof) (MSX): Hind D (NES):Airdrop intrusion (MSX): SCUBA/water intrusion (NES):no picture by transciever (MSX): small picture of snake by the transceiver BOTH HAVE PRETTY GOOD MUSIC, JUST DIFFERENT (if you want to hear stage music from the MSX version, just play the virtual missions on Metal Gear Solid) (NES):Brighter colors (MSX): Much darker color scheme, more military (NES):Easier (MSX): Much harder Stages vary slightly on both versions...and the MSX version features a Parachute (and MG:SS has a hang glider) (NES):Supercomputer boss? (MSX): Metal Gear boss That's just some of it, I know there's more. Most American fans do not know the joy that is "Metal Gear2: Solid Snake". It was the forerunner to Metal Gear Solid (in fact, parts of the game are frighteningly similar). I strongly reccomend this download!
  25. nevermind, it isn't worth the trouble
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